yest was da best day. aft sch wen 2 masjid 1st wif anuar n sufian. den rushed off 2 play soccer wif classmates at kallang cage frm 3-5pm. anuar n his anothr fren tagged along too. there were 15 of us. ramai seyy. i swear it was pretty hard 2 play in a small pitch wif 15 pple chasing 1 ball but den it was fun la. u noe wat? my boot dh koyak skit seyy coz i rembat2 da ball damn hard. leceh uh camni, dh la tkde duit nk beli boot baru. abeh koyak slh timing plak. haiyooo.... sum1 kind enuf buy me a pair of new boot pls? *winkwink*
okok so aft soccer, we bathed n changed. zul peyy pantat jab siol! hahahahha.... hazwan nye nipples plak maut beb. hohoho! den aft dat da whole lot of us wen 2 nearby KFC 2 eat. kite dtg sane uat bising seyy. haha... slacked there till arnd 7 plus n we walked off. we all tkde idea where 2 go so juz walked 2 Kallang Leisure Park.
reached there, look2 at ice skating. my class planned 2 go there on one of these days but den i bopien oredi uh, no money sia. haha! den we all go arcade. watched sum of dem play n den we saw tis hitting game(as shown in da video below). da guys tried n they say very addictive so they played again n again, trying 2 hit da maximum point. rosak jgk sia tu bende kite hentak2 cam nk lepaskn geram gitu. hahahahhaha... only zul managed 2 hit da top.
den wen off frm there n planned 2 walk 2 kallang mrt wen we sumhow stopped at kallang indoor stadium. there's a stairs n its very wide n high. so we took da ball n played there. sampi tu bola pancit seyy coz da stairs ade sharp edges wat. den we signed our names on da ball n zul kicked it into da nearby river. hahahaahaha!!
den all go hme walk 2 kallang stadium. it was dark n nobody else was there except 4 quite a number of cars at da parking lot. we wondered y da heck were cars parked there in da 1st place. so we approached one of da cars n as we got nearer, astaghfirullaaaahhhhhhh.......... ade hantu kat dlm! hahahahahhaha!!!! no la, there were couple inside sia. da guy tngh baring den da gal step notink happen je.
so ya, kite dh tahu y org park kat situ. haha... ape lagi, kite check uh othr cars. nk katekn all cars ade couples seyy. den there's tis car sampi cover da window wif langsir but den da rear lights maseh bukak so confirm dlm ade org pe. obvious sia, pk kite bodoh pe. suspect kuat dorg uat keje kat dlm. hahahahhahah.... seriously seyy, dat place is sucha hotspot 4 couples yg tkleh tahan. kat umah kn ade, asl mesti uat kat situ kn? hehe!
enuf of dat, we wen 2 bus stop n took bus hme. wat a tiring day wif lotsa laughters. mayb nxt wk classmates playing soccer again but im not so sure if wanna join. evry fri muz kuakn duit koyak jgk seyy pocket aku. haha...
okok so aft soccer, we bathed n changed. zul peyy pantat jab siol! hahahahha.... hazwan nye nipples plak maut beb. hohoho! den aft dat da whole lot of us wen 2 nearby KFC 2 eat. kite dtg sane uat bising seyy. haha... slacked there till arnd 7 plus n we walked off. we all tkde idea where 2 go so juz walked 2 Kallang Leisure Park.
reached there, look2 at ice skating. my class planned 2 go there on one of these days but den i bopien oredi uh, no money sia. haha! den we all go arcade. watched sum of dem play n den we saw tis hitting game(as shown in da video below). da guys tried n they say very addictive so they played again n again, trying 2 hit da maximum point. rosak jgk sia tu bende kite hentak2 cam nk lepaskn geram gitu. hahahahhaha... only zul managed 2 hit da top.
den wen off frm there n planned 2 walk 2 kallang mrt wen we sumhow stopped at kallang indoor stadium. there's a stairs n its very wide n high. so we took da ball n played there. sampi tu bola pancit seyy coz da stairs ade sharp edges wat. den we signed our names on da ball n zul kicked it into da nearby river. hahahaahaha!!
den all go hme walk 2 kallang stadium. it was dark n nobody else was there except 4 quite a number of cars at da parking lot. we wondered y da heck were cars parked there in da 1st place. so we approached one of da cars n as we got nearer, astaghfirullaaaahhhhhhh.......... ade hantu kat dlm! hahahahahhaha!!!! no la, there were couple inside sia. da guy tngh baring den da gal step notink happen je.
so ya, kite dh tahu y org park kat situ. haha... ape lagi, kite check uh othr cars. nk katekn all cars ade couples seyy. den there's tis car sampi cover da window wif langsir but den da rear lights maseh bukak so confirm dlm ade org pe. obvious sia, pk kite bodoh pe. suspect kuat dorg uat keje kat dlm. hahahahhahah.... seriously seyy, dat place is sucha hotspot 4 couples yg tkleh tahan. kat umah kn ade, asl mesti uat kat situ kn? hehe!
enuf of dat, we wen 2 bus stop n took bus hme. wat a tiring day wif lotsa laughters. mayb nxt wk classmates playing soccer again but im not so sure if wanna join. evry fri muz kuakn duit koyak jgk seyy pocket aku. haha...