heyya! here's an update of yest. had my nephew's bday party so planned 2 mit up wif cuzzin fadhil 1st. since i was bored, i decided 2 tagged along wif erah, her maid n her bro 2 tamp mall. her bro got art session at tamp mall open plaza there. so while waiting, we took sum pics. aft her bro finish wif his art thingy, we wen 2 make dunno wat dat tink is called since her bro reali wans it. hahaha... had fun helping erah coloring those cute mickey n minnie mouse.
soon at 3pm i had 2 go mit fadhil while erah waited 4 her dad 2 pick dem up. met fadhil at tamp mrt n den took bus 39 off 2 yishun. reached yishun, took anothr bus 800. terserempak wif titi in dat bus. haha! arrived at cuzzin's hse n i spent lyk 20mins there b4 i wen out again 4 soccer match. asked dad's fren 2 fetch me frm yishun 2 bendemeer. dad was frm hme so he brought 4 me my soccer stuff 2 bendemeer. well, soccer match ended wif a score of 3-3. den dad n i rushed back 2 yishun 4 da party.
ate lyk nobody's business n my stomache was bulging. hehe! helped out wif barbecuing da chickens too. den slacked wif cuzzins n had fun wif dem. umairah received lotsa bday presents. her lil bro, nusair, was reali cute. he looked very diff frm da last tym i saw him. so arnd 11.30pm uncle sent us hme.
as 4 2day, i woke up at 3pm. haiya, tired lehhh.... bathed n den did my japanese project wic is lyk CB! muz do presentation sia, walaowei so lazy... den now watching F1 race on tv. cant wait 4 tonite's survival sunday. we'll c wic 3 clubs get relegated on da last day of da season. wohoo! (:
soon at 3pm i had 2 go mit fadhil while erah waited 4 her dad 2 pick dem up. met fadhil at tamp mrt n den took bus 39 off 2 yishun. reached yishun, took anothr bus 800. terserempak wif titi in dat bus. haha! arrived at cuzzin's hse n i spent lyk 20mins there b4 i wen out again 4 soccer match. asked dad's fren 2 fetch me frm yishun 2 bendemeer. dad was frm hme so he brought 4 me my soccer stuff 2 bendemeer. well, soccer match ended wif a score of 3-3. den dad n i rushed back 2 yishun 4 da party.
ate lyk nobody's business n my stomache was bulging. hehe! helped out wif barbecuing da chickens too. den slacked wif cuzzins n had fun wif dem. umairah received lotsa bday presents. her lil bro, nusair, was reali cute. he looked very diff frm da last tym i saw him. so arnd 11.30pm uncle sent us hme.
as 4 2day, i woke up at 3pm. haiya, tired lehhh.... bathed n den did my japanese project wic is lyk CB! muz do presentation sia, walaowei so lazy... den now watching F1 race on tv. cant wait 4 tonite's survival sunday. we'll c wic 3 clubs get relegated on da last day of da season. wohoo! (: