ok pple, back 2 sch! hahaha... my hamstring still hurt sia. hopefully its juz a normal strain je n not swine flu! if not i sure gonna force my parents 2 marry me seyy. but dunno wif who uh. hehe! lagipon confirm tkde org nk marry me coz they noe i'll die soon wat. huahuahua...
kk enuf, lets tok abt sch. 2day sch started at 1pm instead of 9am since da lab session at 9am is on alternate wks, meaning i dun hafta come 2day but nxt wk n so on. kk den had 4 hrs of lab. it was cool shit man! hahaha... i love 2 play wif da machines but its very dangerous if im not careful. took 2 pics of it(as shown above) wen da teacher wasnt arnd. hehehhee... so at 6pm sch ended n i wen straight hme.
reached hme, i changed 2 my hme clothes but was juz wearing shorts wifout any shirts on. very hot la. i noe i sexy kn so gals, nonid faint k. huahuahua! so i walked arnd da hse looking 4 food wifout any shirts on. i dunno wats wif me nowadays, i tend 2 eat alot aft i return hme frm sch. hopefullt its bcoz im still growing uh. if grow abit taller oso nvm asalkn muscles tetap ade. haha!
so now im blogging. tkde mood uh nk blaja. wen im tired, i wun study. i'll only sit or use da laptp or eat or watch tv or msg my nelly n kelly syg or juz simply lay on my bed staring up at da ceiling tinking abt wat 2 do wif my hair. hahahahha... noe y i alwys tink of my hair? coz its quite long oredi n i wonder wat kind of hairstyles shud i do wif my wax. hehehehe... biasela, if u noe me well enuf, im very particular abt my hair. its lyk my best feature coz wifout it, i wun look cute or hansem or watsoever wic gals loves 2 kol me. hahahaha!
now watching tv suria channel. got SLEEQ sia singing da song 'Cun Saja'. i noe they r frm temasek poly too but i've nvr ever seen dem 4 da past 12 months. weird huh? haha... guess wat, fadhil n i love 2 sing dat song. summore bof of us matches wif bof SLEEQ too. im alif, da short guy while fadhil is sharif, da taller guy. plus we love da song 'Nenekku Superspy' coz its juz so damn cool!
lastly, i cant wait 4 tmr's soccer match btwn Arsenal n Man Utd. its sure gonna b a mouth-watering encouter frm bof teams. da gunners may hav lost 1-0 against da red devils in da 1st leg but i can promise dat they will come back stronger n sharper lyk a predator in da 2nd leg. so ya, wed mrng i make sure i hav my popcorns n coke 2 accompany me thruout da 2 hrs infront of da tv. juz 2 let u noe, imma soccer freak. hohoho!
orites, till here den. wanna get an early slp coz tmr my japanese class starts at 8am. mane ade org blaja language pagi2 buta seyy? hahaha... ass! ok gdnite 2 u all, swit dreams n slp tight! (: