haiya! 2day was kinda fcuked up. was supposed 2 mit sum1 to go out spend da day wif but plan destroyed. so disappointing. i dunno how much longer i can take tis. kesabaranku pun ade limit seyy. well, dats one of da reason y my previous post was in red n im lyk shouting out my feelings. haishhhh.......
since plan was cancelled, i asked nelly if she can mit me instead but den her hp spoil uh so too bad. i tried my luck on farah fareezah as last wk we didnt get a chance 2 mit so was hoping dat we cld mit 2day. farah agreed 2 mit so met her at tamp mrt n headed off 2 mac. i had ice-cream due 2 da hot weather n farah simply dudok situ. she cam malu2 uh. hahahaha... at msn kecoh plak.
den 3 of my frens passed by mac n they saw me so they wen in. tkmo pk farah aku peyy mataer ok. hehe! so tok2 wif dem jap b4 they had 2 make their way 2 sumwhere else. den farah n i wen 2 Tamp1 n walk arnd. notink much uh, juz had a rest at da top yg cam tempat relax uh. it was kinda hard 2 tok wif her since baru 1st tym mit n she very malu lyk dat. haha! we exchanged hp songs n den shared funny videos n stuff.
arnd 6pm we wen off. she walked hme since she's staying nearby. wen i reached hme, nelly replied me saying she baru sampi at Tamp1. ah yelaaahhhhhh.... skrg baru nk reply eh. pantat btol la bestie aku ni. hoho... if she tell me earlier, i cld hav waited 4 her there. lagi2 she's wif her fren n kelly. i love 2 joke arnd wif kelly. my babybear mahh!!! so tanye nye tanye, she said mayb juz now wen i sent her dat msg n her hp tk receive was bcoz her line cut off. naseb skrg dh ok. tkpela, nxt tym je we mit k. oh wait, i rmb we havent go marina barrage 2gthr yet seyy. hopefully soon uh during june hols k nelly?
k so at hme did abit of wrkouts. asked dad 2 buy me 3 burger ramli at tamp int pasar mlm there. mkn 1 burger lyk not enuf. summore i juz did exercise so muz eat more. kesian aku, big apetite but still same size! ape nk uat.... org kate small2 pun cute pe. hahahaha!!! den i slept 4 awhile coz tired uh. woke up arnd 8 plus n ate dinner. den otp wif erah. skrg baru je put down da fone n i continue in my post. haha... i lazy uh 2 blog but erah nye psl, aku sanggop. she wans me 2 update sumtink so juz update lor. haha...
kk i better slp now la. tmr got bday party at umah kak nor. food, here i come! huahauhauahaau........ gdnite! (:
since plan was cancelled, i asked nelly if she can mit me instead but den her hp spoil uh so too bad. i tried my luck on farah fareezah as last wk we didnt get a chance 2 mit so was hoping dat we cld mit 2day. farah agreed 2 mit so met her at tamp mrt n headed off 2 mac. i had ice-cream due 2 da hot weather n farah simply dudok situ. she cam malu2 uh. hahahaha... at msn kecoh plak.
den 3 of my frens passed by mac n they saw me so they wen in. tkmo pk farah aku peyy mataer ok. hehe! so tok2 wif dem jap b4 they had 2 make their way 2 sumwhere else. den farah n i wen 2 Tamp1 n walk arnd. notink much uh, juz had a rest at da top yg cam tempat relax uh. it was kinda hard 2 tok wif her since baru 1st tym mit n she very malu lyk dat. haha! we exchanged hp songs n den shared funny videos n stuff.
arnd 6pm we wen off. she walked hme since she's staying nearby. wen i reached hme, nelly replied me saying she baru sampi at Tamp1. ah yelaaahhhhhh.... skrg baru nk reply eh. pantat btol la bestie aku ni. hoho... if she tell me earlier, i cld hav waited 4 her there. lagi2 she's wif her fren n kelly. i love 2 joke arnd wif kelly. my babybear mahh!!! so tanye nye tanye, she said mayb juz now wen i sent her dat msg n her hp tk receive was bcoz her line cut off. naseb skrg dh ok. tkpela, nxt tym je we mit k. oh wait, i rmb we havent go marina barrage 2gthr yet seyy. hopefully soon uh during june hols k nelly?
k so at hme did abit of wrkouts. asked dad 2 buy me 3 burger ramli at tamp int pasar mlm there. mkn 1 burger lyk not enuf. summore i juz did exercise so muz eat more. kesian aku, big apetite but still same size! ape nk uat.... org kate small2 pun cute pe. hahahaha!!! den i slept 4 awhile coz tired uh. woke up arnd 8 plus n ate dinner. den otp wif erah. skrg baru je put down da fone n i continue in my post. haha... i lazy uh 2 blog but erah nye psl, aku sanggop. she wans me 2 update sumtink so juz update lor. haha...
kk i better slp now la. tmr got bday party at umah kak nor. food, here i come! huahauhauahaau........ gdnite! (: