oopsies oopsies!!! haha... was slping wen suddenly my hp vibration woke me up at arnd 11.36am. pk sape seyy skali *insert name* msg. she asked if im oredi awake so i said i juz woke up. haha! padehal smlm otp wif her i confident she wake up late skali im d one yg bangon lambat. ni la namenye confideeeeennnntttttttttt..... hohoho!
so i got off frm bed n wen outside. read berita harian while msg2 wif *insert name*. used laptp 4 awhile b4 i wen back 2 bed. was kinda tired so wanted 2 slp again. tried my hardest 2 slp but cant. hmmmmmm.... so i stood up by da window. 2day da weather so cerah. my mood suddenly lifted n i felt lyk going out but den no one wans 2 go out wif me. sad eh? haha... if go orchard or go relax2 at sumwhere pun ok uh. i love 2 slack at town areas coz d atmosphere cam best gitu. oh wait, fadhil asked if im going out n i said nope. i tot nk kua wif him but we were idealess of where 2 go so tk kua uh. haha...
kk back 2 da story. while looking out da window n staring at da sky, i switched on my hp song. abeh lagu Together by Ne-Yo plak tu. haishhh.... teringat plak abt nelly. nelly ohh nelly, imy la oi... i miss ur round eyes, ur cute round nose n da way u look at me sheepishly wen we laughed abt sumtink. da way u look at me eh, cam nk mkn org seyy! hahahaha... dat song brings back those memories wen we 1st met at bazaar geylang during bulan puase. den frm there we became so close. i still rmb da tym wen i met up wif u outside ur hse at woodlands. sanggop sia aku gi sane stakat nk jumpe n spend sum tym wif her. haha!
den as tym pass on, we kinda drifted apart due 2 our own bz life. but out of da blue, she's back close 2 me again - tis tym much more closer. da bond we built i can say is amazing. we understands each othr so well. there's one tym wen i had a prob n i didnt wanna tell her coz i dun feel lyk telling 2 othrs. den she lyk very angry uh coz i dowan share wif her. dat shows sumtink abt her. she cares 4 me n even if its juz abit, i still care 4 her alot too. so wenever she faces a prob, i make sure i try my best 2 help. no one hurt her feelings n wen they do, i wanna b da 1st one 2 b by her side.
frens may cum n go but i aint gonna let sum1 lyk her go. nvr i wish 2 lose her coz best frens r meant 2 stay wif each othr thru thick n thin. yeah, u may try 2 separate us. giv it all u can 2 separate us coz we noe u cant. i love her coz i hav da chance 2 noe sum1 lyk her. its not bcoz she's pretty or wat. looks only cums as a bonus. da same goes 2 me too. but its her heart dat i care for. sumtyms wen we chat or msg, i cld feel her feelings as if there's a magical connection btwn us. but i believe its da heart dat plays d important role. its a wonderful moment wen she exists in my life coz i can nvr noe wat might happen nxt. she's got dat ability 2 sumhow change my mood frm sad 2 happy or frm worried 2 secure.
so ya, rite wen da song ends, i was lyk still gazing outside. hahahahah... den i smiled 2 myself n wif eyes still glued 2 da sky, i said "wherever u are or watever ur doing, i hope ur doing fine..." okok my hp song was lyk irritatink so i switched it off uh. my stomache was lyk moaning 4 food so i quickly got myself bathed n den ate rice wif veggies. stim siol! mcam main jackpot wif *insert name* plak. hehehehe!!! tis is btwn me n her so u all nonid 2 noe. k den aft eating i forced myself 2 complete my japanese project but still my body so stubborn. so instead i forced myself 2 study but again, still stubborn. haiyaaaa... anak sape eh ni punye la degil! hahahahhaha..... my heart tells me 2 do it but my body juz wldnt listen.
summore there's tis lil voice inside my head kept on telling me "herman, evryday u've been studying in sch so now go get sum rest. fcuk da teachers. see, now ur face got pimples growing all over. ur damn stress oredi la herman... so fcuk it, do notink 2day!" hahahahahahhahahaha... serious shit sia, i lazy 2 do anytink. nxt thurs got POD n ProgAuto quiz. den da following wk got japanese project presentation. till now i havent study 4 those 2 quizzes n did notink 4 da project. sumtyms i hate sch so much. can u pls gimme a break u stupid biatch??! hohoho! how hurtful those words muz b if any of da teachers heard it. but heckcare uh!
k now im bored. currently chatting wif syahrul, blogging tis piece of shit n mayb later play game. klau la skrg tngh hols, aku dh kua seyy dgn fadhil. haish... plus i dunno if i shud change my fs name 2 Herman 'aliff' Gustavo or Aliff Apocalypse. wat do u tink pple? i nid ur suggestions... i tink dats all 4 now. notink else 2 post uh. takecare n dun play JACKPOT wen ur alone in da hse ok! (: