heyya! 2day was so exciting. met fadhil at bedok int at 3pm n took bus 7. den at arnd eunos, saw a grp of skaters wif their skateboards boarding da bus. ni mesti nk gi skatepark. i was lyk asl cam knl je seyy. skali i saw izwan n his gf. den saw ari yudhistira n d othrs wic i dunno dem. izad tk nmpk plak. so ya, they sat at da back of da bus n made noise.
kk so fadhil n i alighted at penin. browsed thru n finally found slip-on shoes but i shall buy dat nxt tym. den da jeans i saw oso i tink i'll buy nxt tym. so finished wif da window-shopping in an hour, we made our way 2 suntec city. mitting wif our fren nadiah. she's doing her sch project wif her othr 3 classmates n fadhil n i decided 2 go over where she was 2 join in.
so met her up at suntec starbucks. waited 4 dem 2 finish wif their reports n den followed dem 2 ya kun kaya toast 4 their nxt project report. den da staff there was lyk a bitch man. prangai pe sia, stare2 kat kite. haiyo... so quickly finished their project report n we juz walk2 coz they lazy 2 do oredi. haha! we had no idea where 2 go so juz walked 2 marina square. reached there, still blur so fadhil n i decided 2 buy double choc frappe at mac. den off 2 esplanade.
did notink much there. juz took pics n listened 2 dunno wat music performance there. fadhil n i kept laughing our ass out abt it. hahahahahahaha!!! den arnd 7pm, took mrt back 2 tamp coz nadiah n her frens nk gi tamp1. did notink much oso except 4 looking arnd in shops. soon wen hme n im dead tired now...
kk so fadhil n i alighted at penin. browsed thru n finally found slip-on shoes but i shall buy dat nxt tym. den da jeans i saw oso i tink i'll buy nxt tym. so finished wif da window-shopping in an hour, we made our way 2 suntec city. mitting wif our fren nadiah. she's doing her sch project wif her othr 3 classmates n fadhil n i decided 2 go over where she was 2 join in.
so met her up at suntec starbucks. waited 4 dem 2 finish wif their reports n den followed dem 2 ya kun kaya toast 4 their nxt project report. den da staff there was lyk a bitch man. prangai pe sia, stare2 kat kite. haiyo... so quickly finished their project report n we juz walk2 coz they lazy 2 do oredi. haha! we had no idea where 2 go so juz walked 2 marina square. reached there, still blur so fadhil n i decided 2 buy double choc frappe at mac. den off 2 esplanade.
did notink much there. juz took pics n listened 2 dunno wat music performance there. fadhil n i kept laughing our ass out abt it. hahahahahahaha!!! den arnd 7pm, took mrt back 2 tamp coz nadiah n her frens nk gi tamp1. did notink much oso except 4 looking arnd in shops. soon wen hme n im dead tired now...