yest i had a haircut n now im lyk brandnew. can style my hair wif wax in watever ways i wan! hahahahaha... gal, im sure ur delighted now dat i've cut my hair since u reali wan me 2 look neat. (:
ok 2day as usual aft sch wen 2 masjid wif sufian, syahrul n amirul. aft dat wen 2 study at starbucks. nxt wk exams oredi mahhhh... arnd 3 plus i joined fadhil. he was wif his fren, sheera. since they walk2 at tamp, might as well i join dem rite. ok so at 5pm sheera wen hme while fadhil n i had our early dinner at BK.
wen hme aft dat n waited 2 dad 2 reach hme frm wrk. den followed him 2 tamp again. tot of buying sumtink but in d end i didnt since i wanna save money. ah yelaaaahhhh.... i go out again 4 wat seyy, nvr buy anytink. serious uh aku! tk pernh serious sey. hahahahaa!!! while we were otw hme, saw tis damn hot chix. sexy gile babz nye seyy. i swear gonna marry her wen i grew up.
eh wait! did u guys read da rite tink? kk wait, wat i meant was dat i saw tis 'chix' wic is a sportscar. u all dun tink negative ah!!! omg, i fell in love wif tis car straight away sia. love at 1st sight katekn. hehe! plus i swear gonna but myself a similar sportscar 2 dat one wen i get my driving license. so any1 wanna go anywhere, juz hop on n i'll b happy 2 serve u arnd da country. juz pray dat we'll b safe coz u gonna hav da ride or ur life! hohohoooo...
kk reached hme oredi, bathed n tok otp wif sum1. sumtink nids 2 b settled n im reali half-hearted into it. haishhhhhh.... y muz all tis happen? mayb there's a reason 2 it? well i hope sooo.... but watever it is, i'll stick 2 my own beliefs. ku sanggop menunggu.... *tears*
eh i tired oredi uh, muz get an early slp. tmr at 2pm got 5-a-side soccer tourmanent at east coast. im playing alongside dad wif his team. den on sun my fren invited me 2 play in a tournament at springfield sec. wow, wat a soccer fever im gonna hav tis wkend! hope i can still study 4 my exams wic is on mon-thurs... play hard, study hard! or izzit d othr way round?? kk dun care la, still i got da rite mindset wat....
kk gdnite n 2 dat special sum1, i love u... <3
ok 2day as usual aft sch wen 2 masjid wif sufian, syahrul n amirul. aft dat wen 2 study at starbucks. nxt wk exams oredi mahhhh... arnd 3 plus i joined fadhil. he was wif his fren, sheera. since they walk2 at tamp, might as well i join dem rite. ok so at 5pm sheera wen hme while fadhil n i had our early dinner at BK.
wen hme aft dat n waited 2 dad 2 reach hme frm wrk. den followed him 2 tamp again. tot of buying sumtink but in d end i didnt since i wanna save money. ah yelaaaahhhh.... i go out again 4 wat seyy, nvr buy anytink. serious uh aku! tk pernh serious sey. hahahahaa!!! while we were otw hme, saw tis damn hot chix. sexy gile babz nye seyy. i swear gonna marry her wen i grew up.
eh wait! did u guys read da rite tink? kk wait, wat i meant was dat i saw tis 'chix' wic is a sportscar. u all dun tink negative ah!!! omg, i fell in love wif tis car straight away sia. love at 1st sight katekn. hehe! plus i swear gonna but myself a similar sportscar 2 dat one wen i get my driving license. so any1 wanna go anywhere, juz hop on n i'll b happy 2 serve u arnd da country. juz pray dat we'll b safe coz u gonna hav da ride or ur life! hohohoooo...
kk reached hme oredi, bathed n tok otp wif sum1. sumtink nids 2 b settled n im reali half-hearted into it. haishhhhhh.... y muz all tis happen? mayb there's a reason 2 it? well i hope sooo.... but watever it is, i'll stick 2 my own beliefs. ku sanggop menunggu.... *tears*
eh i tired oredi uh, muz get an early slp. tmr at 2pm got 5-a-side soccer tourmanent at east coast. im playing alongside dad wif his team. den on sun my fren invited me 2 play in a tournament at springfield sec. wow, wat a soccer fever im gonna hav tis wkend! hope i can still study 4 my exams wic is on mon-thurs... play hard, study hard! or izzit d othr way round?? kk dun care la, still i got da rite mindset wat....
kk gdnite n 2 dat special sum1, i love u... <3