heyya! 2day sch 9am-12pm. had lab session n i almost got my right thumb chopped off. was doing lab abt hydrolics n stuff. i was being careless as i placed my thumb on dat tink. den wen i pushed da button, da hydrolics will extend n retract back in 5 secs. so wat happened was dat it hit my thumb n i cld feel da pain. wats worse was dat it will only release/retract back in 5 secs so i was in pain for 5 secs sia... fcuk it! it felt lyk 5 mins! im lucky not 2 hav broken my thumb, juz a lil swollen. haiyo... nxt tym muz b more careful if not i cld end up losing my thumb. oh pls no!!
ok den nxt at 12-pm was tutorial. notink much. 1-3pm had lunch break at nearby tender best. eateateat oredi, all planned 2 go Century Square coz my idiotic frens nk main arcade. how childish can they be! hahaha... was supposed 2 hav lectures frm 2-3pm but i skipped, heckcare la, attendance not compulsory wat. so agreed 2 follow jeff, jeremy, travis, lwin n hazwan go CS by car. lwin gile sia, he drive car lyk fcuk man. anyhow cut in je. hahaha... den bukak lagu kuat2 sampi org smue tngk.
k so blablabla aft playing arcade, we realised its oredi 3pm so we rushed down 2 da basement. i hav lecture at 3 but if late oso nvm la while d othrs got tutorial n lab wic they cant b late. so lwin drove da car frm CS back to TP in lyk juz abt 3mins! u tink im bluffing? no, its da fact. hazwan timed da car. sial la, muz respect lwin's driving skill, pro gile seyy. he speed thru da traffic as if his car is an F1 car. hahahahahha... den came at a junction at safra there, it was oredi yellow light so he speed even more n turned right. amek kau, wen da car turned we all cld feel da gravitational pull acting on us n pulling us fr da left. serious shit seyy, now i feel wat it feels lyk 2 b driving an F1 car. hahaha! hazwan was oredi "eh sial la, crazy sia u lwin."
so reached TP, all rushed 2 respectives lessons. i wen 4 lecture n den had lab frm 4-6pm. was dozing off most of da tym during last lab. haha... at 6pm, hme swit hme! so here i am blogging. usual, aft tis gonna hav late dinner den go slp. tmr aft sch n masjid, gonna play soccer wif classmates at kallang cage. i'll try 2 get sum pics. till here, gdnite n takecare! (:
ok den nxt at 12-pm was tutorial. notink much. 1-3pm had lunch break at nearby tender best. eateateat oredi, all planned 2 go Century Square coz my idiotic frens nk main arcade. how childish can they be! hahaha... was supposed 2 hav lectures frm 2-3pm but i skipped, heckcare la, attendance not compulsory wat. so agreed 2 follow jeff, jeremy, travis, lwin n hazwan go CS by car. lwin gile sia, he drive car lyk fcuk man. anyhow cut in je. hahaha... den bukak lagu kuat2 sampi org smue tngk.
k so blablabla aft playing arcade, we realised its oredi 3pm so we rushed down 2 da basement. i hav lecture at 3 but if late oso nvm la while d othrs got tutorial n lab wic they cant b late. so lwin drove da car frm CS back to TP in lyk juz abt 3mins! u tink im bluffing? no, its da fact. hazwan timed da car. sial la, muz respect lwin's driving skill, pro gile seyy. he speed thru da traffic as if his car is an F1 car. hahahahahha... den came at a junction at safra there, it was oredi yellow light so he speed even more n turned right. amek kau, wen da car turned we all cld feel da gravitational pull acting on us n pulling us fr da left. serious shit seyy, now i feel wat it feels lyk 2 b driving an F1 car. hahaha! hazwan was oredi "eh sial la, crazy sia u lwin."
so reached TP, all rushed 2 respectives lessons. i wen 4 lecture n den had lab frm 4-6pm. was dozing off most of da tym during last lab. haha... at 6pm, hme swit hme! so here i am blogging. usual, aft tis gonna hav late dinner den go slp. tmr aft sch n masjid, gonna play soccer wif classmates at kallang cage. i'll try 2 get sum pics. till here, gdnite n takecare! (: