amaaakkkkk!!!!! arsenal lost! but its ok, ever heard of da saying 'juz get back up wen it knocks u down'? yeah, we may hav lost but lets move on n learn frm mistakes. im sure arsenal will come back stronger nxt yr. as 4 now, they will face a big task against chelsea tis wkend. hidop mati Gunners beb! eh wait, i owe sharifah a treat coz we promised dat who lose kene blanje n apparently, it looks lyk im d one yg kene kuakn duit uh. hahhahahaha... but nvm, promise is a promise so ya. one of these days muz ajak her n d othr gals out so i can treat her. its been lyk ages since we all met. aft sec sch, smue dh berpecah so mayb we can catch up wif each othr's life wen we hang out 2ghtr. oh btw, sufian n syahrul n d othr guys r welcomd 2 join too! (:
okok so sch 2day was basically notink much. was supposed 2 start sch at 9am but ended up not going for 2 lectures. instead i was still on my bed sleeping lyk pig. cant take it sia, im too tired 2 wake up. haiyo... but den forced myself coz at 11am got tutorial class wic means attendance is compulsory. so ya, only attended emath tutorial. den aft dat was interaction grp wif my form class n form teacher. all ended at 1pm n tym 2 go hme! yay! hehe...
i wen 4 dunno wat meeting 4 all class communities wif zul, eugene, arep n naz. zul is da chairman, im da assistant chairman n eugene da treasurer. arep n naz none coz they sebok2 only 2 fill up space. hahahahahahaa... aft da meeting, met anuar n sufian. so blablabla, im lazy 2 elaborate. at 4pm, followed sufian 2 tamp popular. saw aneez at tamp mall n juz smiled at her. haha! den wen hme n did wrkouts. curently im quite satisfied wif da way tinks r progressing. arm muscles, stomache abs n chest r in gd shape. juz hafta keep on doing till i tink its tym 2 stop. hahaa...
den arnd 7 plus i slept n woke up at 9pm. had a power nap while waiting dad 2 return hme frm wrk coz he bought us food. mum didnt cook as she's started wrking oredi. aft blogging tis, gonna hav my dinner. dad bought 4 me roti jon cheese. wohhhhooooo!!!!! kk till here, jempot mkn smue! gdnite n takecare, see ya all again tmr ok... <3
*juz now in sch anuar's fren commented me saying im cute. im so damn flattered oredi so i juz said thankiu lor. haha! ape tk, pompan seyy yg ckp camtu. sape yg tk malu... but anw, its up 2 pple 2 judge me so if anytink they say abt me whether its gd or bad, i'll juz hafta accept it*