1st tink 1st, soccer match we won 4-3. opponent got nigga seyy. they ran damn fast. but its ok la, asalkn menang eh. haha... den one of da nigga got red-carded coz he go touch da ball unneccassarily(he kena yellow card oredi earlier) so as a result, he kena 2nd yellow card n he's off. padan muke! den one of his teammate not happy wif da ref rite, go scold "puki ah!" rite infront of da ref's face. ape lagi, red card oso uh! stupid sia, nvr tink b4 he say anytink. huahuahua...
reached hme, bathed n ate ayam penyet. mum n bof sis wen 2 Geylang 2day buy dunno wat baju uh den buy 4 me n dad dinner oso. as u can c frm da pics above, me n 2nd sis were preparing da food while 3rd sis take pic. hahaha...
currently watching soccer on tv. its Man Utd vs Liverpool wif a score of 1-2. any team dat scores, dad n i juz shout "GOAAALLLLLL!!!!!!". kite nk challenge wif jiran sbelah who shout da loudest. hehe! who cares wat, none of those 2 teams r my fav coz i support Arsenal n dad supports Chelsea. (:
haiyo... hate it man. wen i lyk a gal rite, mesti ade je org yg nk potong jln. fed-up sia! fcuk u la boy! *punches da wall till my hand bleeds*
reached hme, bathed n ate ayam penyet. mum n bof sis wen 2 Geylang 2day buy dunno wat baju uh den buy 4 me n dad dinner oso. as u can c frm da pics above, me n 2nd sis were preparing da food while 3rd sis take pic. hahaha...
currently watching soccer on tv. its Man Utd vs Liverpool wif a score of 1-2. any team dat scores, dad n i juz shout "GOAAALLLLLL!!!!!!". kite nk challenge wif jiran sbelah who shout da loudest. hehe! who cares wat, none of those 2 teams r my fav coz i support Arsenal n dad supports Chelsea. (:
haiyo... hate it man. wen i lyk a gal rite, mesti ade je org yg nk potong jln. fed-up sia! fcuk u la boy! *punches da wall till my hand bleeds*