our slogan: TAK GOYANG TAK GOYANG TAK GOYANG!!! *shakes body*

Update on Sentosa outing, 21st March 2009
ok here's da stories n pics frm our famli gathering at Palawan beach. sory 4 da very late update ya. haha... ok so in da mrng met wif cik dah n her 2 daughters at her hse bus stop. den off 2 bedok int 2 mit fadhil, abd daus, mak long n nek senah. so took bus 2 vivocity coz erin n iman nk sgt naik doubledeck bus. haha...
reached vivocity met wif da rest of cuzzins, uncle n aunts. while waiting 4 da tickets 2 Sentosa, we watched dance competition. cam mepek je... hahaha! soon took dat train n alighted at Beach station. we had 2 walked abit n found a place 2 sit. da parents started 2 lay out da mats n brought out da food. we kids ate 1st while waiting 4 our cuzzin kak nor, who's oso d event organizer 2 arrive. but kak nor's famli were late by 2 hrs! hahahaha.... ok so we boys started 2 play in da water 1st n soon da gals joined. built sandcastles n stuff.
finally aft 2 hrs of waiting, kak nor's famli arrived. since all of us were oredi there, we quickly started on our Amazing Race. it was damn fun. kinda tiring but 4 me its juz small da pieces. hehe! den all those pple there looked at us n wondered y many of us wearing diff colored shirts running all over. haha... lucky its not da whole island but only arnd Palawan beach. da beach itself is oredi huge n we had 2 run here n there under da scorching sun! omg... in d end out of 5 teams, my team finished in 3rd place. 1st was white team. dorg tipu, lari abeh tk tunggu their own team members. tk fair! hahaha... but congrats 2 dem. 2nd place was green. i tot they were weak but they showed dat they were gd too. 4th was pink. they came in last, abt 10mins aft all teams has finished but since red team had 2 serve a 5mins penalty, pink came in 4th. last but not least was red. actually my team oso kena penalty uh coz our team n red team tk ikot instructions on one of da stops. hehe! but we finished in 3rd. tngk la leader blue team sape, aku jgk! huahuahua... gd job blue team! we got slogan uh. TAK GOYANG TAK GOYANG TAK GOYANG!!!!! *shakes body* hahahahahaha....
so aft da race, we rested 4 awhile. ate here n there plus we had 2 shift our belongings under da shade coz da weather started 2 change frm hot 2 cloudy. we waited 4 da rain but it didnt came down. only dark clouds above us. so we proceeded 2 out nxt game wic was 'Pass the Parcel' game. i didnt win any prize coz i wasnt holding 2 dat tink wen da music stopped. phew! its very fun n exciting coz evry1 wld laugh lyk crazy. haha...
blablabla, we den had our final game wic was Captain's ball. tis part gerek gile! arnd 24 of us cuzzins were separated into 2 grps. fadhil n i was in grp 2. baik uh! hahahaha... actually we changed but nobody noticed so gi mampos. uh. hehe! my dad oso played 4 my team. da match was very rough. kite main kasar gile seyy. tarik baju n tangan smue... i injure one of my left finger coz linda pulled my hand sia so i cant get 2 da ball. haha! but overall, my team won! wohooooo!!!!!!
ok aft da game, rested 4 awhile. by dat tym it was oredi 5 plus. we all lepak at da sand. da boys played soccer in da water. we head da ball n not let it fall into da water. haha... den abg noh had an idea. abg noh, his fren, abg shahril, abg apiz, me, fadhil, zaki n asyraf made a human pyramid while standing in da water. cool kape! abg noh, his fren, abg shahril n abg apiz was at da bottom skali coz they very strong. den fadhil, zaki n me had 2 climb up n sit on their shoulders. den asyraf wen on top of us. dh lawa2 uat but sadly no one took a pic of us. hahahaha... den asyraf's leg slipped n we toppled down lyk nangka busok into da water! huahuahuahuahua.....
den da rest called us up 2 end da day. we got ourself cleaned, changed clothes all uh n aft dat was da prize giving. prizes were given 2 da top 3 teams in d Amazing Race(white, green, blue) n da team wic won da Captain's ball match. i received bof prizes. haha... den lastly was lucky draw. but b4 dat we had 2 write our IC number onto a paper n den kak nor n abg noh will take one at each tym 2 c who wins da prizes. there were 13 prizes but i didnt win any. mum won da 1st prize. hahaha! so wif dat, we ended da day.
took uncle's lorry hme wif sum of my cuzzins. dropped at umah cik dah n took bus hme. wow, im very tired by den.... but overall it was a very gr8 n enjoyful day. lyk wat kak ayun said, "if nenek was still arnd, she wld hav been so proud of all of us." yeah, true enuf... we'll miss here... <3
*pics credits 2 kak ayun's new camera*
ok here's da stories n pics frm our famli gathering at Palawan beach. sory 4 da very late update ya. haha... ok so in da mrng met wif cik dah n her 2 daughters at her hse bus stop. den off 2 bedok int 2 mit fadhil, abd daus, mak long n nek senah. so took bus 2 vivocity coz erin n iman nk sgt naik doubledeck bus. haha...
reached vivocity met wif da rest of cuzzins, uncle n aunts. while waiting 4 da tickets 2 Sentosa, we watched dance competition. cam mepek je... hahaha! soon took dat train n alighted at Beach station. we had 2 walked abit n found a place 2 sit. da parents started 2 lay out da mats n brought out da food. we kids ate 1st while waiting 4 our cuzzin kak nor, who's oso d event organizer 2 arrive. but kak nor's famli were late by 2 hrs! hahahaha.... ok so we boys started 2 play in da water 1st n soon da gals joined. built sandcastles n stuff.
finally aft 2 hrs of waiting, kak nor's famli arrived. since all of us were oredi there, we quickly started on our Amazing Race. it was damn fun. kinda tiring but 4 me its juz small da pieces. hehe! den all those pple there looked at us n wondered y many of us wearing diff colored shirts running all over. haha... lucky its not da whole island but only arnd Palawan beach. da beach itself is oredi huge n we had 2 run here n there under da scorching sun! omg... in d end out of 5 teams, my team finished in 3rd place. 1st was white team. dorg tipu, lari abeh tk tunggu their own team members. tk fair! hahaha... but congrats 2 dem. 2nd place was green. i tot they were weak but they showed dat they were gd too. 4th was pink. they came in last, abt 10mins aft all teams has finished but since red team had 2 serve a 5mins penalty, pink came in 4th. last but not least was red. actually my team oso kena penalty uh coz our team n red team tk ikot instructions on one of da stops. hehe! but we finished in 3rd. tngk la leader blue team sape, aku jgk! huahuahua... gd job blue team! we got slogan uh. TAK GOYANG TAK GOYANG TAK GOYANG!!!!! *shakes body* hahahahahaha....
so aft da race, we rested 4 awhile. ate here n there plus we had 2 shift our belongings under da shade coz da weather started 2 change frm hot 2 cloudy. we waited 4 da rain but it didnt came down. only dark clouds above us. so we proceeded 2 out nxt game wic was 'Pass the Parcel' game. i didnt win any prize coz i wasnt holding 2 dat tink wen da music stopped. phew! its very fun n exciting coz evry1 wld laugh lyk crazy. haha...
blablabla, we den had our final game wic was Captain's ball. tis part gerek gile! arnd 24 of us cuzzins were separated into 2 grps. fadhil n i was in grp 2. baik uh! hahahaha... actually we changed but nobody noticed so gi mampos. uh. hehe! my dad oso played 4 my team. da match was very rough. kite main kasar gile seyy. tarik baju n tangan smue... i injure one of my left finger coz linda pulled my hand sia so i cant get 2 da ball. haha! but overall, my team won! wohooooo!!!!!!
ok aft da game, rested 4 awhile. by dat tym it was oredi 5 plus. we all lepak at da sand. da boys played soccer in da water. we head da ball n not let it fall into da water. haha... den abg noh had an idea. abg noh, his fren, abg shahril, abg apiz, me, fadhil, zaki n asyraf made a human pyramid while standing in da water. cool kape! abg noh, his fren, abg shahril n abg apiz was at da bottom skali coz they very strong. den fadhil, zaki n me had 2 climb up n sit on their shoulders. den asyraf wen on top of us. dh lawa2 uat but sadly no one took a pic of us. hahahaha... den asyraf's leg slipped n we toppled down lyk nangka busok into da water! huahuahuahuahua.....
den da rest called us up 2 end da day. we got ourself cleaned, changed clothes all uh n aft dat was da prize giving. prizes were given 2 da top 3 teams in d Amazing Race(white, green, blue) n da team wic won da Captain's ball match. i received bof prizes. haha... den lastly was lucky draw. but b4 dat we had 2 write our IC number onto a paper n den kak nor n abg noh will take one at each tym 2 c who wins da prizes. there were 13 prizes but i didnt win any. mum won da 1st prize. hahaha! so wif dat, we ended da day.
took uncle's lorry hme wif sum of my cuzzins. dropped at umah cik dah n took bus hme. wow, im very tired by den.... but overall it was a very gr8 n enjoyful day. lyk wat kak ayun said, "if nenek was still arnd, she wld hav been so proud of all of us." yeah, true enuf... we'll miss here... <3
*pics credits 2 kak ayun's new camera*