gdmrng sunshines! (:
well well well... c dat gal in da pic above? im sure u all noe her rite? yes, she's Emma Watson aka Hermione Granger frm Harry Potter movies! very gorgeous kn? gue cair dok! hehehehe... haish... how i wish i hav a gf lyk her... omg, i'll stare at her face for hours wifout even getting bored. haha!
yeah imma fan of her, got a prob wif dat?? ok watever shit abt othr pple say, i dun care. Megan Fox, Miley Cyrus, dat gal frm Twilight(i 4got her name la), Vanessa Hudgens? yes they r all hot chix but nahh, Emma Watson's way more hotter. she's got dat model-kinda-look on her face(i love gals wif dat kind of looks) n summore very swit. arrgghhhhh!!!!! k now im melting again. hehhehe... k la senang ckp, she's lyk my dream gal gitu. <3
but nvm, yg penting she loves me too. hahahahahhaa... prasan sakk aku. so boys out there, esp HAIRY POTEK, get ur hands of her or i'll get my hands on u! hohoohohohohoohh!!!!! kk dh, enuf of mepekness. i gotta go uh. gonna fetch my dear Emma den go 4 her new Harry Potter movie premier at New York Times Square. hahahaha... prangai syok 'sendiri-menyendiri- disendirikn-sendirian-bersendiri' siak aku. huahuahua!!!
oh btw, i wun b blogging 2nite till sat nite coz i'll b slping over at grandpa's hse later on. muz help out uh coz sat we'll b having kenduri arwah nenek. ok cuzzins, c ya all soon. cant wait n im sure gonna b fun. hehe... to fadhil, nanti mlm kite dgr Misteri Jam 12 lagi k. hahahahah!!! till here, takecare pple but dun take drugs! (:
well well well... c dat gal in da pic above? im sure u all noe her rite? yes, she's Emma Watson aka Hermione Granger frm Harry Potter movies! very gorgeous kn? gue cair dok! hehehehe... haish... how i wish i hav a gf lyk her... omg, i'll stare at her face for hours wifout even getting bored. haha!
yeah imma fan of her, got a prob wif dat?? ok watever shit abt othr pple say, i dun care. Megan Fox, Miley Cyrus, dat gal frm Twilight(i 4got her name la), Vanessa Hudgens? yes they r all hot chix but nahh, Emma Watson's way more hotter. she's got dat model-kinda-look on her face(i love gals wif dat kind of looks) n summore very swit. arrgghhhhh!!!!! k now im melting again. hehhehe... k la senang ckp, she's lyk my dream gal gitu. <3
but nvm, yg penting she loves me too. hahahahahhaa... prasan sakk aku. so boys out there, esp HAIRY POTEK, get ur hands of her or i'll get my hands on u! hohoohohohohoohh!!!!! kk dh, enuf of mepekness. i gotta go uh. gonna fetch my dear Emma den go 4 her new Harry Potter movie premier at New York Times Square. hahahaha... prangai syok 'sendiri-menyendiri- disendirikn-sendirian-bersendiri' siak aku. huahuahua!!!
oh btw, i wun b blogging 2nite till sat nite coz i'll b slping over at grandpa's hse later on. muz help out uh coz sat we'll b having kenduri arwah nenek. ok cuzzins, c ya all soon. cant wait n im sure gonna b fun. hehe... to fadhil, nanti mlm kite dgr Misteri Jam 12 lagi k. hahahahah!!! till here, takecare pple but dun take drugs! (: