2day studied wif arep, nazi, jeremy n travis. as usual, at study corner near arep's hse. study lyk shit till we stress seyy. so played cards la kn. den out of da blue, 6 kind soul came. they were playing soccer. we, bored n its been quite a long tym since we last played soccer 2ghtr, joined those kids. haha... 5 of us playing against 6 of dem n den they became 7 n den 8. walao, of course we lose sia! hahahahha.... den tired oredi, rested 4 awhile n i wen back hme 1st. da rest stayed there till nite i tink.
currently chatting wif nelly. kinda miss her. its been quite sum tym too we nvr mit. was chatting n i found myself laughing by myself. its bcoz of her la! tatink man c dat nenek face on msn. so i called her nenek nelly. haha! den summore she said i look lyk tis black muscular nigga whose dancing. atleast muscular nigga wat, not lyk u nenek kerepot! huahuahua... den she said my face black nigga coz terbakar. see, tis nelly very very very notty tau. loves 2 disturb me. hahaha... but nvm la, used 2 it oredi. kn nelly? hehe! kekek la she... chatting wif her can kills man. i nearly fell off da chair. if pape jadi 2 me, i slhkn u tau nelly! huahuahua! plus ya, lets go shopping one day eh nelly. (:
currently chatting wif nelly. kinda miss her. its been quite sum tym too we nvr mit. was chatting n i found myself laughing by myself. its bcoz of her la! tatink man c dat nenek face on msn. so i called her nenek nelly. haha! den summore she said i look lyk tis black muscular nigga whose dancing. atleast muscular nigga wat, not lyk u nenek kerepot! huahuahua... den she said my face black nigga coz terbakar. see, tis nelly very very very notty tau. loves 2 disturb me. hahaha... but nvm la, used 2 it oredi. kn nelly? hehe! kekek la she... chatting wif her can kills man. i nearly fell off da chair. if pape jadi 2 me, i slhkn u tau nelly! huahuahua! plus ya, lets go shopping one day eh nelly. (: