wassup! ok lemme update abt 2day. as usual, soccer match wif dad's team. 2day's venue is at macpherson sec. walaowei, i tell u ah, da field sux man. da grass nvr cut den lyk lalang! huahua... waited 2 waited 4 opponent team 2 arrive but as last match cancelled coz they werent there. haish...
so dad's team split up into 2 grp n we played among ourself, 7-a-side soccer match. it was funny uh coz while playing we laughed n laughed lyk hell. haha... oh btw, sumtink happened. we were playing uh den suddenly i heard pple shouting, as if they were quarelling. so i glanced 2wards da voices. outside da fences, i saw a gal n a guy(matrep siol, got tattoo all) shouting at each othr. not only dat, da guy was holding on 2 a pram wif 2 babies in it. i tot wat seyy so ya, juz ignore n concentrate on playing soccer la.
but situation soon got worse. i heard da gal cam pleading uh but cant reali hear properly. wen my teammates n i looked at dem, we were shocked sia. da guy was lyk tarik2 da gal den da gal cam meronta2. i was confused too so i juz kept looking evry now n den while playing soccer. den da nxt tink i saw reali made my blood go upstairs. u noe wat, da guy go punch da gal sia. yeah, on her head! dat guy not human being sia, animal pun tk camtu! ni btol peyy matrep seyy ni laki. i pity da gal la of course kn.
den one of dad's fren, uncle apit, was taking a corner kick near da fences wen he heard dem. he turned arnd n saw too. he dunno nk main bola or help da gal. but dad's captain said juz continue wif our game so we played la. during half tym, a few of dad's fren wanted 2 help da gal so they wen out n approached da couple. dad's fren yg lain smue tknk masok campo hal org so they juz uat hal sendiri. only aft dad's frens tok 2 da guy, da guy cam walk uh coz uncle apit suroh balek tk bagos gado2 kat sini. so da guy walk away la wif da pram. den da gal kept shouting "aku nk anak aku balek!" since i was inside da field n she's standing near da fence, i told her, "kak saket tk kene pukol? u ok or not kak? saye kesian tngk kakak camni. relax ok kak." dat gal cld only cry n cry n nod her head wen i said all dat. i cant do anytink seyy. i pity her.
den uncle apit told me 2 juz let her be n i shud walk off drink water coz 2nd half abt 2 start. so i had no choice but 2 walk away. kesian sia dat gal. da guy oso dh jln gi mane pun tk tahu seyy wif da 2 babies. i reali pity da babies coz bile da couple gado, bof babies tngh nanges2 seyy. lucky uncle rashid tried 2 diamkn da babies. haish.... tngk la couple skrg. wats happening 2 dem man. ape nk jadi dgn masyarakat melayu kite ni... *shakes head*
so ya skip blablabla, aft soccer da whole team all lepak at coffeeshop den dad n i wen hme. reached hme oredi, i was wondering y my hse cam gelap seyy, cume tv n kipas je on. skali i 4got coz 2day got dat campaign abt '60 Earth Hour' or sumtink. hahahahaha... so bathed n tok otp wif sum1. dats all 4 2day. shall update more soon k. (:
*wen i saw dat couple fighting, i suddenly tot abt erah. i dunno y. i mean if i ever hurt her or fought wif her b4 or wat, she muz b reali sad seyy. only wen i tot abt all tis, i started 2 feel guilty n at da same tym relieved coz atleast i reflect abt wat i've done 2 pple arnd. one tink i hafta say is dat i dun ever wish 2 fight against my loved ones esp erah. mayb i've hurt her in any way wifout realising it. damn, im so so sory. haish...*