hey! sory 4 not updating 4 da last 2 days. been bz having overnite stay wif my 2nd sis n cuzzins(titi, sulas, wawan n yasmin) at Lorong Melayu, umah arwah nenek. we helped out 4 da kenduring tink. my parents n 3rd sis didnt overnite there. haha... so here we go.
fri aft masjid, wen hme 2 pack stuff. wen 2 umah nenek n reached there arnd 4.30pm. most of da tym i was upstairs wif my cuzzins playing laptp, gossip, watch tv n more uh. gerek beb! as u can c frm da pics above, dats fadhil's room. basically fri nite was notink much. da most fun was wen we all webcam wif othr pple on msn. kite prangai sakk, kcau2 org. fadhil covers his head wif his shirt, sulas covers her face wif pillow while i wear my spare underwear on my head. hahahahhahaha!!!!! den we tok 2 da person on webcam while my cuzzins yg lain laugh2 lyk hell. kekek gile!!!
arnd 12-2am gitu all of us cuzzins were toking n having so much laugh in anothr room. abg daus plak nk kua wif his frens watch midnite movie. haha... so da rest of us smue baring at tilam n tok kok. den cik ina was there too coz nk tido wat. den finally all dh penat, smue tido except me, fadhil n titi. da 3 of us watch movie using laptp. titi n fadhil paoto me coz dorg halfway tngk tertido. basket! hahahha... by dat tym it was oredi 4am so i switched off da laptp n slp oso lor. but since got many pple slp there, i wen 2 fadhil's room n slept wif wawan(dier siang2 dh tido dulu).
i only slept 2 hrs coz at 6am i had my alarm clock switched on. summore wawan had 2 go sch 4 his cca band practice. tu tkpe, abeh dier gi bukak lampu coz nk siap. amakk, silau seyy nk tido pun tkleh. haha... so i cant slp anymore, wen 2 d othr room n saw my cuzzins tido cam babi. hahhahaa!!! i took fadhil's PSP n played till arnd 7.30am gitu cik ina wen up n called us 2 help masak. yg pegi tlg only me, alifah(2nd sis) n sulas. yg lain tido lagi. huahuahua!
so ya, helped 2 cook all plus got tis guy came coz my pakcik hired him 4 a day 2 help masak. it was fun man. got lotsa lauk. mayb i shud hav taken a pic of us cooking all. seriously, very tiring too. kenduri starts at 5pm but early in da mrng oredi we started cooking. now juz imagine how much food we hafta prepare. hahahha...
of course la bile dh penat masak me, sis n sulas curik tulang uh. hehe! we wen up 4 awhile but den stayed upstairs wif d othrs till 3pm. den it started 2 rain heavily n aku sempat suroh titi amek pic under da rain. haha! den got lightningn thunder all. sis n sulas was sitting outside da hse abeh takot. hahahahaha... den abt 4pm gitu titi n i wen up 2 bathe(we havent bathe since mrng ok, yg lain smue arnd 2 gitu dh mandi). haha! but she bathed 1st la. mane bleh masok 2gthr. hehe...
by da tym i finished bathing n siap2, ramai org pun dh dtg. i wen 2 da stairs n took a look. ok la, ramai jgk. plus satu grp ni yg bace doa2 smue. k skip da bace2 doa tink. den we all eat. da food was awesome. bagosla tu eh, kite masak den kite mkn skali. hehe! see, we all can b chef! hahahhaha....
aft da kenduri, we all slack2 n tok2. arnd 8pm, we all dicussed abt da famli gathering at Sentosa. it was kecoh n funny. haha... so ya, my team members will b wearing blue shirt but we havent decide a name 4 our team yet. my team got kak ayun, sulas, 2nd sis, me n byzura(sis invited her 2 Sentosa). amek kau, all gals except me. haha! mayb we can name our grp 'Quatre fille Une fils'. its in french n it means '4 Girls 1 Guy'. hahaha!
den arnd 11 plus wen hme took car. cik bedah hantar my famli hme. reached hme, bathed n off 2 bed. katilku cam dh memanggil namaku. i miss my bed n bantal busok! hehe... (:
fri aft masjid, wen hme 2 pack stuff. wen 2 umah nenek n reached there arnd 4.30pm. most of da tym i was upstairs wif my cuzzins playing laptp, gossip, watch tv n more uh. gerek beb! as u can c frm da pics above, dats fadhil's room. basically fri nite was notink much. da most fun was wen we all webcam wif othr pple on msn. kite prangai sakk, kcau2 org. fadhil covers his head wif his shirt, sulas covers her face wif pillow while i wear my spare underwear on my head. hahahahhahaha!!!!! den we tok 2 da person on webcam while my cuzzins yg lain laugh2 lyk hell. kekek gile!!!
arnd 12-2am gitu all of us cuzzins were toking n having so much laugh in anothr room. abg daus plak nk kua wif his frens watch midnite movie. haha... so da rest of us smue baring at tilam n tok kok. den cik ina was there too coz nk tido wat. den finally all dh penat, smue tido except me, fadhil n titi. da 3 of us watch movie using laptp. titi n fadhil paoto me coz dorg halfway tngk tertido. basket! hahahha... by dat tym it was oredi 4am so i switched off da laptp n slp oso lor. but since got many pple slp there, i wen 2 fadhil's room n slept wif wawan(dier siang2 dh tido dulu).
i only slept 2 hrs coz at 6am i had my alarm clock switched on. summore wawan had 2 go sch 4 his cca band practice. tu tkpe, abeh dier gi bukak lampu coz nk siap. amakk, silau seyy nk tido pun tkleh. haha... so i cant slp anymore, wen 2 d othr room n saw my cuzzins tido cam babi. hahhahaa!!! i took fadhil's PSP n played till arnd 7.30am gitu cik ina wen up n called us 2 help masak. yg pegi tlg only me, alifah(2nd sis) n sulas. yg lain tido lagi. huahuahua!
so ya, helped 2 cook all plus got tis guy came coz my pakcik hired him 4 a day 2 help masak. it was fun man. got lotsa lauk. mayb i shud hav taken a pic of us cooking all. seriously, very tiring too. kenduri starts at 5pm but early in da mrng oredi we started cooking. now juz imagine how much food we hafta prepare. hahahha...
of course la bile dh penat masak me, sis n sulas curik tulang uh. hehe! we wen up 4 awhile but den stayed upstairs wif d othrs till 3pm. den it started 2 rain heavily n aku sempat suroh titi amek pic under da rain. haha! den got lightningn thunder all. sis n sulas was sitting outside da hse abeh takot. hahahahaha... den abt 4pm gitu titi n i wen up 2 bathe(we havent bathe since mrng ok, yg lain smue arnd 2 gitu dh mandi). haha! but she bathed 1st la. mane bleh masok 2gthr. hehe...
by da tym i finished bathing n siap2, ramai org pun dh dtg. i wen 2 da stairs n took a look. ok la, ramai jgk. plus satu grp ni yg bace doa2 smue. k skip da bace2 doa tink. den we all eat. da food was awesome. bagosla tu eh, kite masak den kite mkn skali. hehe! see, we all can b chef! hahahhaha....
aft da kenduri, we all slack2 n tok2. arnd 8pm, we all dicussed abt da famli gathering at Sentosa. it was kecoh n funny. haha... so ya, my team members will b wearing blue shirt but we havent decide a name 4 our team yet. my team got kak ayun, sulas, 2nd sis, me n byzura(sis invited her 2 Sentosa). amek kau, all gals except me. haha! mayb we can name our grp 'Quatre fille Une fils'. its in french n it means '4 Girls 1 Guy'. hahaha!
den arnd 11 plus wen hme took car. cik bedah hantar my famli hme. reached hme, bathed n off 2 bed. katilku cam dh memanggil namaku. i miss my bed n bantal busok! hehe... (: