wahh, so heartbreaking seyy! u noe wat? i failed all of my 4 exam papers. now how sad is dat? yeah i studied 4 it but i dunno wat wen wrong. i gotta admit dat it muz b my careless mistakes again. oh man... now muz go supp paper. lets say if i fail supp paper oso, i hafta repeat da whole semester. no man, dat a nightmare!
seriously, tis is certainly a big blow 2 me. i've nvr failed tis bad. 1st semester results was ok. i noe 2nd semester was abit of chaotic n hard 4 me 2 follow up but i didnt ask 4 tis kind of results la seyy. yeah, i've got no one 2 blame but myself. im gonna wrk hard 4 tis supp paper. i cant afford 2 fail again man. shit u, im gonna prove dat i can do it. dun wory, imma strong boy. im sure i can handle tis supp paper. no worries, insyallah i'll pass tis tym round...
so ya, was supposed 2 go gym wif my frens 2day but ended up studying since most of my classmates muz take supp paper. met up wif dem at 1pm n studied at a study corner near arep's hse. there were me, nazi, arep, jeremy, bryan, ivan, naku, travis, jian sheng, wilson n lawrence. ivan n lawrence came wif their bikes. sum of dem came not bcoz they wanna study but juz wanna help those who nid help. basically, i juz wanna special thankiu 2 bryan n wilson 4 teaching me plus ivan n jian sheng 4 helping da rest of us. im kinda touched wen they actually wanna help us. thanks alot guys, eventho we only studied 1 subject - wic i hav 3 more 2 go!
while studying, we did alot of tinks too. played cards, eat snacks, tok kok, smoke(only sum of us excluding me), played wif ivan n lawrences' bike, joke arnd n disturb each othr. haha... tis wat makes learning fun. i hope we can study lyk tis often coz i tink tis too bonds ourself much more closer as a class eventho da rest of our classmates wasnt wif us 2day. so arnd 7 plus, we bought food frm nearby coffeeshop 4 our dinner.
den wif no more mood left 2 study, we decided 2 play a game called 'Continue the Story'. hahaha! it was hilarious man! each person can only say 3 words n den da nxt person hafta continue da sentence. satu2 kene sabo seyy. plus i didnt expect sum of us(can say me oso la) can b so dirty minded wen making out sentences! hehehehehehe...
we played dat game 4 abt an hour n it was addictive ok. den wen i glanced at my watch, it was oredi 9pm. omg, tym flies so fast. so i told dem i had 2 make my move 1st. i dowan 2 go hme late coz im juz not da type who goes hme very late till 11pm plus. except only if im wif my famli la. so ya, took bus 293 hme.
now im blogging here, kinda sleepy too. texted erah twice but she didnt reply. mayb she's asleep. plus i wanna kol her. imysm sia erah! haha... i juz love toking 2 her otp. she makes me smile wenever i hear her voice. she's cute ok. ade je nk uat aku tawe. hehe! ok watever. was supposed 2 mit her 2day aft i study. but since my frens n i started studying late, i told erah if we can mit arnd 5pm lyk dat but she cant coz she hafta go hme by 4.30 n there goes my chance 2 mit her. tkpela nak, sabar je la eh. haha... dats y i stayed wif my frens till nite. erah, im reali sory tau we cldnt mit 2day. reali reali sory... we'll mit soon k, i promise. (:
ok wait, suddenly i was tinking abt my exams again. i juz hope supp papers2 wldnt clash wif saturday's outing 2 Sentosa wic is on 21st march. if clash kn, mak oi nanges seyy aku. i reali wanna enjoy seyy. tu la, tknk blaja btol2 kn. see la now muz take supp paper! hohoho... tkpe2, ni smue cobaaaaannnnn..
warning 2 all teachers who taught me(esp my SSMat tutorial teacher), im gonna show u i can pass! bitch! *blood boiling*
k la, till here den. my eyes r getting smaller n smaller. very sleepy man. plus my neck is aching. too much studying i tink. haish... anw, gdnite 2 all u readers! <3
seriously, tis is certainly a big blow 2 me. i've nvr failed tis bad. 1st semester results was ok. i noe 2nd semester was abit of chaotic n hard 4 me 2 follow up but i didnt ask 4 tis kind of results la seyy. yeah, i've got no one 2 blame but myself. im gonna wrk hard 4 tis supp paper. i cant afford 2 fail again man. shit u, im gonna prove dat i can do it. dun wory, imma strong boy. im sure i can handle tis supp paper. no worries, insyallah i'll pass tis tym round...
so ya, was supposed 2 go gym wif my frens 2day but ended up studying since most of my classmates muz take supp paper. met up wif dem at 1pm n studied at a study corner near arep's hse. there were me, nazi, arep, jeremy, bryan, ivan, naku, travis, jian sheng, wilson n lawrence. ivan n lawrence came wif their bikes. sum of dem came not bcoz they wanna study but juz wanna help those who nid help. basically, i juz wanna special thankiu 2 bryan n wilson 4 teaching me plus ivan n jian sheng 4 helping da rest of us. im kinda touched wen they actually wanna help us. thanks alot guys, eventho we only studied 1 subject - wic i hav 3 more 2 go!
while studying, we did alot of tinks too. played cards, eat snacks, tok kok, smoke(only sum of us excluding me), played wif ivan n lawrences' bike, joke arnd n disturb each othr. haha... tis wat makes learning fun. i hope we can study lyk tis often coz i tink tis too bonds ourself much more closer as a class eventho da rest of our classmates wasnt wif us 2day. so arnd 7 plus, we bought food frm nearby coffeeshop 4 our dinner.
den wif no more mood left 2 study, we decided 2 play a game called 'Continue the Story'. hahaha! it was hilarious man! each person can only say 3 words n den da nxt person hafta continue da sentence. satu2 kene sabo seyy. plus i didnt expect sum of us(can say me oso la) can b so dirty minded wen making out sentences! hehehehehehe...
we played dat game 4 abt an hour n it was addictive ok. den wen i glanced at my watch, it was oredi 9pm. omg, tym flies so fast. so i told dem i had 2 make my move 1st. i dowan 2 go hme late coz im juz not da type who goes hme very late till 11pm plus. except only if im wif my famli la. so ya, took bus 293 hme.
now im blogging here, kinda sleepy too. texted erah twice but she didnt reply. mayb she's asleep. plus i wanna kol her. imysm sia erah! haha... i juz love toking 2 her otp. she makes me smile wenever i hear her voice. she's cute ok. ade je nk uat aku tawe. hehe! ok watever. was supposed 2 mit her 2day aft i study. but since my frens n i started studying late, i told erah if we can mit arnd 5pm lyk dat but she cant coz she hafta go hme by 4.30 n there goes my chance 2 mit her. tkpela nak, sabar je la eh. haha... dats y i stayed wif my frens till nite. erah, im reali sory tau we cldnt mit 2day. reali reali sory... we'll mit soon k, i promise. (:
ok wait, suddenly i was tinking abt my exams again. i juz hope supp papers2 wldnt clash wif saturday's outing 2 Sentosa wic is on 21st march. if clash kn, mak oi nanges seyy aku. i reali wanna enjoy seyy. tu la, tknk blaja btol2 kn. see la now muz take supp paper! hohoho... tkpe2, ni smue cobaaaaannnnn..
warning 2 all teachers who taught me(esp my SSMat tutorial teacher), im gonna show u i can pass! bitch! *blood boiling*
k la, till here den. my eyes r getting smaller n smaller. very sleepy man. plus my neck is aching. too much studying i tink. haish... anw, gdnite 2 all u readers! <3