hello! sory 4 not been updating since yest. kinda bz wif exams uh. yes, i miss dat gal in da pic above. she has gone 2 Bangkok 4 abt 5 days. cam coincidence gitu eh, she go 2day n returns on nxt wed. wic is da same as my exams. my 1st paper was 2day n ends nxt wed. haha... lyk erah said, "mestila same, kate lover!" hehe... she's cute ok, love her so much.
yest nite was otp wif her. den made into conference call wif ezah. soon aft ezah left, it was me n erah again. we were toking abt stuff. as usual, ade je yg kite nk uat klakar tau. hahaha... soon we found ourself toking personally abt each othr, i mean abt us la. she was so so soooooo swit. infact, one of da most sweetest moments i've ever had. she whispered into my ears thru da phone saying, "Herman, i love you..." awwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! *melts* erah, if u reading tis kn, juz wanna tell u dat i love u too. gue cair tau! hehehe...
juz now aft my Emath2 paper, we had a quick tok b4 she boarded her plane. damn it, gonna miss her so much u noe. not only me i guess, ezah n her close frens too. was on da verge of crying while toking 2 her otp juz now but i hold on. apedahh herman, baru 5 days pun nk nanges. lom lagi 5 yrs! huahuahua... but seriously la, bile aku rindu dier, aku rase cam gelisah gitu. wenever im wif her, tym flies by so fast. okok, so juz texted her till 12.30pm coz she had 2 switch off her phone oredi.
erah, i hope ur ok there. im sure ur having so much fun now ya. i'll pray 4 ur safety n dat u, ur famli, ur cuzzins all will hav a safe journey there n back here again k. jgn lupe tau, org kat sini rindu u bnyk2 skali seyy... love u dear!
kk enuf of dat, now lets move on wif wats happening 2 me. wahh, juz now i did pushups n dumbbells. been 4 days since i last exercised. herman very bad. haha! no wonder juz now uat den cam tk biase gitu... den wen cums 2 strengthening my abs rite, wow! my tummy suddenly got upset. dunno y uh. wen in n out if da toilet thrice sia... as a result, i felt very sick! cant even study 4 my paper tmr sia. den how? now im using laptp pun cam tk selesa. i feel very weak seyy aft taking panadol... haish... k la, i better rest now. my eyes r getting heavier!
so gdnite n switdreams... do pray 4 me dat i'll feel better by tmr k. thanks alot guys! oh wait, one more tink. Nor Umairah binte Mohd Ishak, i'll b waiting 4 u rite here ok. wen u return, i shall suapkn u wif CHIPSMORE sampi comot! hehehehehehe... i miss u n love u so much honey! muacks! <3
yest nite was otp wif her. den made into conference call wif ezah. soon aft ezah left, it was me n erah again. we were toking abt stuff. as usual, ade je yg kite nk uat klakar tau. hahaha... soon we found ourself toking personally abt each othr, i mean abt us la. she was so so soooooo swit. infact, one of da most sweetest moments i've ever had. she whispered into my ears thru da phone saying, "Herman, i love you..." awwwwwwwww!!!!!!!! *melts* erah, if u reading tis kn, juz wanna tell u dat i love u too. gue cair tau! hehehe...
juz now aft my Emath2 paper, we had a quick tok b4 she boarded her plane. damn it, gonna miss her so much u noe. not only me i guess, ezah n her close frens too. was on da verge of crying while toking 2 her otp juz now but i hold on. apedahh herman, baru 5 days pun nk nanges. lom lagi 5 yrs! huahuahua... but seriously la, bile aku rindu dier, aku rase cam gelisah gitu. wenever im wif her, tym flies by so fast. okok, so juz texted her till 12.30pm coz she had 2 switch off her phone oredi.
erah, i hope ur ok there. im sure ur having so much fun now ya. i'll pray 4 ur safety n dat u, ur famli, ur cuzzins all will hav a safe journey there n back here again k. jgn lupe tau, org kat sini rindu u bnyk2 skali seyy... love u dear!
kk enuf of dat, now lets move on wif wats happening 2 me. wahh, juz now i did pushups n dumbbells. been 4 days since i last exercised. herman very bad. haha! no wonder juz now uat den cam tk biase gitu... den wen cums 2 strengthening my abs rite, wow! my tummy suddenly got upset. dunno y uh. wen in n out if da toilet thrice sia... as a result, i felt very sick! cant even study 4 my paper tmr sia. den how? now im using laptp pun cam tk selesa. i feel very weak seyy aft taking panadol... haish... k la, i better rest now. my eyes r getting heavier!
so gdnite n switdreams... do pray 4 me dat i'll feel better by tmr k. thanks alot guys! oh wait, one more tink. Nor Umairah binte Mohd Ishak, i'll b waiting 4 u rite here ok. wen u return, i shall suapkn u wif CHIPSMORE sampi comot! hehehehehehe... i miss u n love u so much honey! muacks! <3