yo! smlm lyk kinda boring uh. met up wif cuzzins fadhil n wawan at tamp int small mac. dpt tahu all 3 of us pkai baju kemeja hitam. we didnt even plan eh. haha! ok so took 969 n off 2 Yishun, umah sedare coz got kenduri arwah. notink much, juz slacked da whole day there. plus its a relieve 2 watch Arsenal battered Wigan wif a score of 4-1. amek kau, maut!!!! hahahhaha...
*im juz trying 2 b patient wif evrytink. i tink situation rite now juz arent fair enuf 4 me. juz wtf seyy! damn it ass! haish...*
*im juz trying 2 b patient wif evrytink. i tink situation rite now juz arent fair enuf 4 me. juz wtf seyy! damn it ass! haish...*