Saturday, 18 April 2009
met up wif nelly, kelly n diananuts at cityhall mrt. i decided 2 follow dem since i was bored at hme. we wen 2 penin as diana wanted 2 buy a hockey stick. aft dat they decided 2 go bugis so i juz tagged along. i had 2 lead dem 2 Bugis since none of dem noe how 2 walk frm penin 2 bugis. hahahaha... da weather was damn humid n i do sweat alot. hehe! kelly suke je eh kcau herman. tkpe2, herman suke tau. kate babybear n teddybear kn? hahahaha!!!!
reached bugis, wen into da new shopping mall. next tym kua wif nelly i nid 2 b careful. noe y? bcoz she tends 2 take unexpected camera shots of me! hahaha... but den its ok, dats wat besties do rite nelly? *winkwink* nxt tym kua wif u, i make sure im gonna pull u 2 take pic 2ghtr ok. huahuahua! aft much of walking there, finally we wen off on separate ways. da 3 gals gone 2 sim lim square while i took mrt 2 tanahmerah 4 my soccer match at bedok south sec.
soccer match was kinda gr8. ape tk, my team won wif a score of 7-4. maut beb! hahahhaa... dad scored a goal but i didnt as i was playing as defender. gua n kelly jiwe seyy, we defenders uh jgn main2 tau!
Sunday, 19 April 2009
wen out shopping wif cuzzin fadhil. met wif him at bedok int n took bus 7 to bugis. i bought a black sling back n he bought a black bermudas. adil, nxt tym kite kua lagi k. i wanna buy dat white bermudas uh. den adil bleh gi beli baju jgk. swee? k set! hahahaha...
den frm bugis, headed 2 marina square by bus. fadhil tot nk beli baju but in d end tk jadi. haha... so juz surveyed da mall n bought large double choc frappe at mac. i dunno y but since da weather was hothothot heat, i make sure i drink it slowly n enjoy da moment. nikmatnye sedap beb. fuuuuhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! so frm marina square, took bus again 2 vivocity. we juz wanted 2 waste tym n relax there.
we settled down at da skypark n juz tok nonstop abt so many tinks. haha... u all nonid 2 noe! arnd 7 plus had dinner at BK n den again we sat at da skypark 2 juz chill b4 heading hme at arnd 9 plus. had a gr8 tym wif fadhil coz it seems lyk he's alwys d one who noes me reali very well. we share our secrets n loves 2 joke arnd n disturb each othr. i hope one day fadhil's dream will come true - to be a pilot! (:
Monday, 20 April 2009
sch started at 9am. damn early man. shit man. haha... reached at da TP bridge there n da mentors were all cheering 2 say welcomed 2 da new students in TP. memekak siol. den saw Hoe Kin! hahahahahhahahaha.... kekek man him. anw, my 1st lesson was lab wic was supposed 2 start nxt wk n we dunno. lucky sum1 told us. so juz walk off uh.
i searched 4 sufian n he was wif his classmates. i tagged along wif dem. they had breakfast n i juz had a drink. nk save duit katekn. bukan ape, nk blanje org mkn besar uh. hehehheheheh... i dun tink dat person noes abt it. even if she noes abt it, she may tink im joking but hey, im 4 real ok. haha! den arnd 11.30am i jumpe shasha at business sch. she nk sgt mit me. haha... she's cute ok, very adorable. my nxt class will only b at 1pm so i hav 1 hr 2 waste n i joined shasha in her lecture theathre. bagos eh, bdk engineering dudok kat business nye lecture. haha!
aft accompanying her, wen off 4 my class while she wen 2 vivo coz she no more class. basket btol .haha... anw, my lessons were such a bore. fcuk sia, 4 hrs of lab! can u imagine dat? i was halfway asleep man. but since 2day 1st day of sch, we ended at 5 instead of 6pm since we didnt reali had many tinks 2 do. so juz wen straight hme lor. tired la seyy, cant tahan. i tink im gonna get sick in afew days tym. haish... panadol, here i come! kk im off 2 slp now. better get sum rest. so gdnites!
1st day of sch got lotsa new students n saw many gals seyy. evrywhere i go, mesti ade pretty gals. hahahaaha... but earlier in da mrng erah msged me saying not 2 look at gals. awwwwww.... how swit of her. tis tells dat she cares alot abt me. i love my MAYA KARIN truckloads ok! muacks! <3
met up wif nelly, kelly n diananuts at cityhall mrt. i decided 2 follow dem since i was bored at hme. we wen 2 penin as diana wanted 2 buy a hockey stick. aft dat they decided 2 go bugis so i juz tagged along. i had 2 lead dem 2 Bugis since none of dem noe how 2 walk frm penin 2 bugis. hahahaha... da weather was damn humid n i do sweat alot. hehe! kelly suke je eh kcau herman. tkpe2, herman suke tau. kate babybear n teddybear kn? hahahaha!!!!
reached bugis, wen into da new shopping mall. next tym kua wif nelly i nid 2 b careful. noe y? bcoz she tends 2 take unexpected camera shots of me! hahaha... but den its ok, dats wat besties do rite nelly? *winkwink* nxt tym kua wif u, i make sure im gonna pull u 2 take pic 2ghtr ok. huahuahua! aft much of walking there, finally we wen off on separate ways. da 3 gals gone 2 sim lim square while i took mrt 2 tanahmerah 4 my soccer match at bedok south sec.
soccer match was kinda gr8. ape tk, my team won wif a score of 7-4. maut beb! hahahhaa... dad scored a goal but i didnt as i was playing as defender. gua n kelly jiwe seyy, we defenders uh jgn main2 tau!
Sunday, 19 April 2009
wen out shopping wif cuzzin fadhil. met wif him at bedok int n took bus 7 to bugis. i bought a black sling back n he bought a black bermudas. adil, nxt tym kite kua lagi k. i wanna buy dat white bermudas uh. den adil bleh gi beli baju jgk. swee? k set! hahahaha...
den frm bugis, headed 2 marina square by bus. fadhil tot nk beli baju but in d end tk jadi. haha... so juz surveyed da mall n bought large double choc frappe at mac. i dunno y but since da weather was hothothot heat, i make sure i drink it slowly n enjoy da moment. nikmatnye sedap beb. fuuuuhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! so frm marina square, took bus again 2 vivocity. we juz wanted 2 waste tym n relax there.
we settled down at da skypark n juz tok nonstop abt so many tinks. haha... u all nonid 2 noe! arnd 7 plus had dinner at BK n den again we sat at da skypark 2 juz chill b4 heading hme at arnd 9 plus. had a gr8 tym wif fadhil coz it seems lyk he's alwys d one who noes me reali very well. we share our secrets n loves 2 joke arnd n disturb each othr. i hope one day fadhil's dream will come true - to be a pilot! (:
Monday, 20 April 2009
sch started at 9am. damn early man. shit man. haha... reached at da TP bridge there n da mentors were all cheering 2 say welcomed 2 da new students in TP. memekak siol. den saw Hoe Kin! hahahahahhahahaha.... kekek man him. anw, my 1st lesson was lab wic was supposed 2 start nxt wk n we dunno. lucky sum1 told us. so juz walk off uh.
i searched 4 sufian n he was wif his classmates. i tagged along wif dem. they had breakfast n i juz had a drink. nk save duit katekn. bukan ape, nk blanje org mkn besar uh. hehehheheheh... i dun tink dat person noes abt it. even if she noes abt it, she may tink im joking but hey, im 4 real ok. haha! den arnd 11.30am i jumpe shasha at business sch. she nk sgt mit me. haha... she's cute ok, very adorable. my nxt class will only b at 1pm so i hav 1 hr 2 waste n i joined shasha in her lecture theathre. bagos eh, bdk engineering dudok kat business nye lecture. haha!
aft accompanying her, wen off 4 my class while she wen 2 vivo coz she no more class. basket btol .haha... anw, my lessons were such a bore. fcuk sia, 4 hrs of lab! can u imagine dat? i was halfway asleep man. but since 2day 1st day of sch, we ended at 5 instead of 6pm since we didnt reali had many tinks 2 do. so juz wen straight hme lor. tired la seyy, cant tahan. i tink im gonna get sick in afew days tym. haish... panadol, here i come! kk im off 2 slp now. better get sum rest. so gdnites!
1st day of sch got lotsa new students n saw many gals seyy. evrywhere i go, mesti ade pretty gals. hahahaaha... but earlier in da mrng erah msged me saying not 2 look at gals. awwwwww.... how swit of her. tis tells dat she cares alot abt me. i love my MAYA KARIN truckloads ok! muacks! <3