*last 4 pics is Kelly, doing her so-called modelling. gorgeous aint she?*
yest was fun! way too much fun! haha... aft sch met up wif sufian. wanted 2 wait 4 syahrul but he finished sch at 1pm so we juz wen 2 tamp int 1st. there, we waited 4 him n soon fadhil came. da 4 of us wen 2 masjid 2ghtr where we joined up wif afiq n razzak there. aft masjid, afiq wen hme while da 5 of us go jln2 jap.
den at 2.30pm fadhil took mrt hme while da 4 of us wen back 2 sch. i hafta attend dunno wat tok uh while razzak, sufian n syahrul stayed at da library 2 study. finished da tok, i wen 2 library n met da rest. soon arnd 5pm we wen off. they all wen hme but i wen 2 tanahmerah 2 mit nelly.
initial plan was 2 mit at tamp1 since she loves going there but she cant go out. instead, she invited me 2 her hse so i juz go lor. i kinda got lost searching 4 her banglo hse. hahaha! she said stop at simpang bedok den got shell station. yes i noe where dat is but didnt geddit wen she said got lorong sbelah kedai kopi juz walk there. kat situ belambak siol kedai kopi. haha! so i walk 2wards da shell station n saw a 1st lorong wic is beside kedai kopi oso. i juz try n error uh, jln je gasak uh. den i recognise dat lorong cam at one of da pic in nelly's fs so i noe i was rite. yay! den called her where her hse is. pk mane peyy jauh skali i saw a gal wearing red shirt standing outside da gate abt 50m away. dat shud b her n i was rite again. hahahaha!
reached her hse at 6pm n sat outside. got table n chair uh den we tok2 there la. kelly, diana, asyraf n her baby cuzzin was there too. had fun laughing wif dem. took video n pics n stuff. kelly loves 2 kcau me. hehhe... soon it was oredi maghrib n her mum told us 2 come in. so came in n i was kinda paisei sia. hehe! her hse was very kecoh n fun. kekek seyy her 'sex-maniac' cuzzin. huahuahua! nelly tk habes2 take my pic. i noe la imma superstar but nonid take my pic so much la. cam paparazzi plak eh. hohoho!!
den kat tv got berok. wen i saw dat berok, automatically i turned my head 2 nelly sia. noe wat happened nxt? she was looking at me oso! hahahahhahahahha... noe y? coz nelly berok wat. hehe! i noe la i babi kn, but babi tkde bulu pe. huahua... plus we've got a new famli name wic is HermanBabi *oinkoink*, NellyBerok *u-u-ah-ah* n lastly KellyKambing *bekbekbek*. hohoho!
so at 8.30pm, i wen hme. nelly, kelly n diana followed me till da bus stop as they wanted 2 go 7-eleven too. kelly once again kcau me. suke je eh! haha... but tis tym she punched me hard 4 tyms on my arm sia. tk saket sgt uh but wen i reached hme je my right arm muscle looks bigger den da left. hahaahhahaa!!! okok, den da bus came n i had 2 go off. reached hme n i was reali damn exhausted.
hogged on da phone wif erah n ezah 4 awhile b4 suddenly erah's hp cut off coz batt dh low. tkpe, dh biase. amalkn slalu ok. heheheh! den i juz wen 2 bed n snored lyk snorlax! (:
den at 2.30pm fadhil took mrt hme while da 4 of us wen back 2 sch. i hafta attend dunno wat tok uh while razzak, sufian n syahrul stayed at da library 2 study. finished da tok, i wen 2 library n met da rest. soon arnd 5pm we wen off. they all wen hme but i wen 2 tanahmerah 2 mit nelly.
initial plan was 2 mit at tamp1 since she loves going there but she cant go out. instead, she invited me 2 her hse so i juz go lor. i kinda got lost searching 4 her banglo hse. hahaha! she said stop at simpang bedok den got shell station. yes i noe where dat is but didnt geddit wen she said got lorong sbelah kedai kopi juz walk there. kat situ belambak siol kedai kopi. haha! so i walk 2wards da shell station n saw a 1st lorong wic is beside kedai kopi oso. i juz try n error uh, jln je gasak uh. den i recognise dat lorong cam at one of da pic in nelly's fs so i noe i was rite. yay! den called her where her hse is. pk mane peyy jauh skali i saw a gal wearing red shirt standing outside da gate abt 50m away. dat shud b her n i was rite again. hahahaha!
reached her hse at 6pm n sat outside. got table n chair uh den we tok2 there la. kelly, diana, asyraf n her baby cuzzin was there too. had fun laughing wif dem. took video n pics n stuff. kelly loves 2 kcau me. hehhe... soon it was oredi maghrib n her mum told us 2 come in. so came in n i was kinda paisei sia. hehe! her hse was very kecoh n fun. kekek seyy her 'sex-maniac' cuzzin. huahuahua! nelly tk habes2 take my pic. i noe la imma superstar but nonid take my pic so much la. cam paparazzi plak eh. hohoho!!
den kat tv got berok. wen i saw dat berok, automatically i turned my head 2 nelly sia. noe wat happened nxt? she was looking at me oso! hahahahhahahahha... noe y? coz nelly berok wat. hehe! i noe la i babi kn, but babi tkde bulu pe. huahua... plus we've got a new famli name wic is HermanBabi *oinkoink*, NellyBerok *u-u-ah-ah* n lastly KellyKambing *bekbekbek*. hohoho!
so at 8.30pm, i wen hme. nelly, kelly n diana followed me till da bus stop as they wanted 2 go 7-eleven too. kelly once again kcau me. suke je eh! haha... but tis tym she punched me hard 4 tyms on my arm sia. tk saket sgt uh but wen i reached hme je my right arm muscle looks bigger den da left. hahaahhahaa!!! okok, den da bus came n i had 2 go off. reached hme n i was reali damn exhausted.
hogged on da phone wif erah n ezah 4 awhile b4 suddenly erah's hp cut off coz batt dh low. tkpe, dh biase. amalkn slalu ok. heheheh! den i juz wen 2 bed n snored lyk snorlax! (: