hohoho! as i said, i shall post abt yest's outing rite. ok here it is. met wif cuzzin fadhil at tamp int n we were off 2 masjid. we decided 2 juz sit kat luar since dh ramai org. astaghfirullah... panas terik tkleh tahan beb! hahahahhaha... so juz bear wif it lor. aft solat, waited 4 razzak as i wanted 2 return him his USB. den fadhil n i were off again 2 Tamp Mall. wen into Toys r' Us coz i wanted 2 c if there's any huge bear. hehe! check2, tkde sia. babi. haha...
so we continued on our plan wic is 2 go out 2 town. cume we dunno where 2 go. but since Vivo got Toys r' Us, we decided 2 go there - by bus of course. haha... coz we juz love taking buses arnd singapore n dat way, i save money as im using bus pass concession. we singgah at Cheers 1st 2 buy ourself a bottle drink coz da day was hothotheat man! bleh terbakar sia kulit aku. hehe! ok den took bus 10 n we were off on a long journey.
listening 2 music n sitting in da bus 4 nearly 1 hr 30 mins does has an effect. too bored i tink. haha... plus my ass was hurting. soon reached Vivo n we headed 2 Toys r' Us. check2, lucky got huge bear. hahaha... tis one huge one sia. but den i dunno if i shud buy one. hmmmm..... kesimpulannye, aku pun tk sure! okok, aft playing wif much of da toys, we wen out frm there n juz walked arnd cam bdk2 tk tentu arah. haha! fadhil wanted 2 look at wallets.
well, evrytym we go out, its alwys a muz 4 us 2 masok kedai Topman. dunno y uh, but mesti kene tngk baju kat sane. so yest was lyk normal uh, masok tu kedai tngk2 baju. i muz say imma fan of Topman shirts. den there's a couple of shirts wic caught my attention n my nafsu oredi forcing me 2 buy dem. siak uh, i can forge out all my money on all seyy. bankrupt sia! hahahhahahah... mayb i'll buy atleast one. fadhil plak is eyeing on a long sleeve shirt wic i tink does look nice on him. ceyydebahh cuzzin, dh cam abg2 uh if pkai dat shirt! huahuahua... actually im eyeing a similar shirt juz lyk dat one. but dunno if it fits me or not uh. nk beli pun tkde duit. haha! so nvm, tmr we gonna go there again n buy. tis tym we'll bring along wif us cash. wohhhoooooo!!!!!!!!!
okok, enuf of Topman. now lets tok abt Fox. got fashion show sia. u noe da Muttons frm 98.7fm? yeah he was there as da host. Fox was having dunno wat fashion show. all da models maksaleh seyy. da babes all hot lyk till i cannot tahan oredi. hehe... den da guys were lyk so big n muscular. bleh la pkai baju2 camtu. if aku pkai confirm tk kene. so ya, watched da show 4 awhile. i even imagined myself as one of da models. fuuuuhhhhh!!!!!! confirm gerek nye seyy. but kn, tkpela. my body small size seyy, nk jadi model kehaprak. its ok its orite, mayb im better off being a soccer star. celebrity jgk pe tu, cam David Beckham n Baihakki Khaizan. dpt jgk rase abit of limelight. haha... plus da wives of bof celebrities i've mentioned above r so called models n superstar. so now im wondering who will b my wife. muz b a model tau! hahahaha... berangan bnyk sia aku. =___=
ok enuf of craps, aft sebok2 wif da fashion show, fadhil n i wen 2 eat at BK. kenyang dok! den we hav notink else 2 do so planned 2 go Orchard n lepak. took bus 65 n stopped at Shaw Tower. found a place at mac n lepak there. tok abt many tinks uh. one of wic is abt a gal named RAFIKAH! syok seyy kite bual psl dat gal. biasela, sape nye soon-to-be gf eh? hehehehhe... tis one only me n fadhil noe. its btwn da 2 of us je. bluek!
arnd 8.30pm we wen off back hme. as usual, took mrt lor. cant wait 2 go ot again n buy dat shirt uh. fadhil said aft we buy it, nxt sat on 11th april we can wear it coz got kenduri at one of our cuzzin's hse. mayb tmr abg amin is following us to. gr8 man, mayb can play bowling too! and to my othr 2 dearest cuzzins, titi n sulas, if korg nk ikot kite kua tmr pun bleh jgk. pape juz msg any of us ok.
k now diff topic. haish... i dunno wats gonna happen now. sumtyms situation lyk fcuking irritating seyy. kdg2 i do feel lyk im lost in my own life. im juz going wif da flow. i only hav 1 life 2 live n im gonna live it 2 da fullest. i shall try 2 make da best of wat fate has 4 me eventho sumtyms im faced wif alot of challening n unfair obstacles. well, dats wat life is wat. its meant 2 b unfair. i cant hide or run away frm it. all i gotta do is live wif it. its all abt how i deal wif it. as 4 now, all i can do is hope 4 da best. may God guide me 2 da rite path in life. amin...
so we continued on our plan wic is 2 go out 2 town. cume we dunno where 2 go. but since Vivo got Toys r' Us, we decided 2 go there - by bus of course. haha... coz we juz love taking buses arnd singapore n dat way, i save money as im using bus pass concession. we singgah at Cheers 1st 2 buy ourself a bottle drink coz da day was hothotheat man! bleh terbakar sia kulit aku. hehe! ok den took bus 10 n we were off on a long journey.
listening 2 music n sitting in da bus 4 nearly 1 hr 30 mins does has an effect. too bored i tink. haha... plus my ass was hurting. soon reached Vivo n we headed 2 Toys r' Us. check2, lucky got huge bear. hahaha... tis one huge one sia. but den i dunno if i shud buy one. hmmmm..... kesimpulannye, aku pun tk sure! okok, aft playing wif much of da toys, we wen out frm there n juz walked arnd cam bdk2 tk tentu arah. haha! fadhil wanted 2 look at wallets.
well, evrytym we go out, its alwys a muz 4 us 2 masok kedai Topman. dunno y uh, but mesti kene tngk baju kat sane. so yest was lyk normal uh, masok tu kedai tngk2 baju. i muz say imma fan of Topman shirts. den there's a couple of shirts wic caught my attention n my nafsu oredi forcing me 2 buy dem. siak uh, i can forge out all my money on all seyy. bankrupt sia! hahahhahahah... mayb i'll buy atleast one. fadhil plak is eyeing on a long sleeve shirt wic i tink does look nice on him. ceyydebahh cuzzin, dh cam abg2 uh if pkai dat shirt! huahuahua... actually im eyeing a similar shirt juz lyk dat one. but dunno if it fits me or not uh. nk beli pun tkde duit. haha! so nvm, tmr we gonna go there again n buy. tis tym we'll bring along wif us cash. wohhhoooooo!!!!!!!!!
okok, enuf of Topman. now lets tok abt Fox. got fashion show sia. u noe da Muttons frm 98.7fm? yeah he was there as da host. Fox was having dunno wat fashion show. all da models maksaleh seyy. da babes all hot lyk till i cannot tahan oredi. hehe... den da guys were lyk so big n muscular. bleh la pkai baju2 camtu. if aku pkai confirm tk kene. so ya, watched da show 4 awhile. i even imagined myself as one of da models. fuuuuhhhhh!!!!!! confirm gerek nye seyy. but kn, tkpela. my body small size seyy, nk jadi model kehaprak. its ok its orite, mayb im better off being a soccer star. celebrity jgk pe tu, cam David Beckham n Baihakki Khaizan. dpt jgk rase abit of limelight. haha... plus da wives of bof celebrities i've mentioned above r so called models n superstar. so now im wondering who will b my wife. muz b a model tau! hahahaha... berangan bnyk sia aku. =___=
ok enuf of craps, aft sebok2 wif da fashion show, fadhil n i wen 2 eat at BK. kenyang dok! den we hav notink else 2 do so planned 2 go Orchard n lepak. took bus 65 n stopped at Shaw Tower. found a place at mac n lepak there. tok abt many tinks uh. one of wic is abt a gal named RAFIKAH! syok seyy kite bual psl dat gal. biasela, sape nye soon-to-be gf eh? hehehehhe... tis one only me n fadhil noe. its btwn da 2 of us je. bluek!
arnd 8.30pm we wen off back hme. as usual, took mrt lor. cant wait 2 go ot again n buy dat shirt uh. fadhil said aft we buy it, nxt sat on 11th april we can wear it coz got kenduri at one of our cuzzin's hse. mayb tmr abg amin is following us to. gr8 man, mayb can play bowling too! and to my othr 2 dearest cuzzins, titi n sulas, if korg nk ikot kite kua tmr pun bleh jgk. pape juz msg any of us ok.
k now diff topic. haish... i dunno wats gonna happen now. sumtyms situation lyk fcuking irritating seyy. kdg2 i do feel lyk im lost in my own life. im juz going wif da flow. i only hav 1 life 2 live n im gonna live it 2 da fullest. i shall try 2 make da best of wat fate has 4 me eventho sumtyms im faced wif alot of challening n unfair obstacles. well, dats wat life is wat. its meant 2 b unfair. i cant hide or run away frm it. all i gotta do is live wif it. its all abt how i deal wif it. as 4 now, all i can do is hope 4 da best. may God guide me 2 da rite path in life. amin...