*pic are not in order*
i didnt realise there's a lil gal there. haha!
ni cam nk gang fight je. sory uh, lom ready
peas! ^.^
Grand Hyatt Hotel lobby
wen nafsu took over
cam hotel receptionist plak
there's more food actually
suyanti n alifah

bapakku yg boncit. huahuahua!

alifah, suyanti, sulastri, fazillah
2nd sis, Nurul Alifah
3rd sis, Nurul Fazillah
Suyanti aka titiChakz
at da hotel's spa

kami anak2 bugis! mau langgar pe!
alalala... cute nye babyboy!
Sulastri aka Ohh Girl
amakk, aku peyy syg ni sebok uh. hehe!

pls eh, i aint a matrep
Fadhil - my fren, cuzzin, gayboy, brother
3 Musketeers, aswan-me-fadhil

ape aku uat seyy??

ni smue step pekerja sane je
ketiak fadhil so smelly till got light come out

couple 1: alifah n aswan (couple kes adek2 nye)
couple 2: fadhil n sulastri (fadhil pegang mane je tu)
couple 3: fadhil n herman (dun play2 man, gayboy siol)
couple 4: fadhil n alifah (couple yg tk kesampaian due 2 height)
couple 5: suyanti n herman (nk step perfect couple je)
titi mengandung ke? hahaha!
dats my wife n babyboy, NOT!

i shall update a summary of yest. 2nd sis(alifah) n i met up wif fadhil at kembangan mrt coz we r supposed 2 check if there's any available places 2 play bowling at Marina Square. reached there, bought double choc frappe at mac n den followed 2nd sis 2 look 4 her fren's bday present. aft dat wen straight up 2 bowling. titi's famli was oredi there.
so we booked 2 lanes 1st n played our own 1st set while waiting 4 d othrs. soon mum, dad n 3rd sis came followed by abg apiz n kak anis. last 2 arrive was kak nor's famli wif their 2 cute babies. we all played bowling n it was damn funny. my grp were wawan, myself, fadhil, my dad n abg noh. the othr grp were titi, sulas, nurul, abg apiz, kak anis n cik sikin. had a gr8 tym laughing at each othr. hahaha!
den arnd 7 plus, we all took cik sikin's lorry 2 Grand Hyatt Hotel at Orchard while abg apiz took his motorbike wif kak anis. arrived at da hotel n proceeded 2 da dinner area. there, sum of my othr relatives were oredi there having their dinner. i noe it sounds expensive 2 hav dinner at a hotel but den its all 4 free! hahahaha.... so ape lagi, sebat uh! summore we were allowed 2 eat frm 7-10.30pm. fuuuuhhhhh!!!!!! gerek pe, kite bedal smue seyy. juz walk up 2 where da food is, take watever u wan n back 2 ur table 2 enjoy da meals.
overall it was a memorable one 4 all of us. my stomache was reali damn full man. haha... ape tk, aft one meal i stand up walk arnd, i came back wif anothr plate of food. hehe! aft da function ended, kak anis invited all 28 of us up 2 her wrkplace wic is at lvl 5. she wrk as a receptionist at a spa in da hotel. amek kau, kite masok tu spa je smue jadi berok sia. run here n there n explored da whole spa. its huge n very relaxing. one day muz go there but mahal seyy. nvm, can ask kak anis 4 discount. hehehe! aft much of d exploring, its tym 2 go hme.
cik sikin drove us hme wif his lorry. kak anis n abg apiz wen hme wif his Honda superbike but dunno wats da actual name uh. u noe da racing kind, yg cam Valentino Rossi nye. maut beb! haha... kak nor plak wen hme take car wif her famli.
ok now new topic. 2day wen out n supposed 2 mit erah n ezah. but wen i arrived at erah's blok, i called her n she said she's at sengkang sia! haish... apela u ni... tk blg siang2. waste my tym je go out. so nvm, met ezah n slacked wif her frens. den followed dem go Century Square coz they wanna buy sumtink 4 their piercing. soon i had 2 go coz im meeting my othr 2 frens at Tampines 1. baik uh, jln nye jln, bof of dem had 2 go. thanks eh frens! basket korg... hahahah! so no choice, i juz explored da whole shopping mall by myself. kesian kn? tahu tkpe...
den rite, i saw lotsa couples walking n holding each othr's hands. walaowei... make me jeles only! hmph! i oso dunno where my gf go sia, go out wif othr guy summore. haish... so all da while im walking arnd wif a sad plus boring face. den fed up oredi looking at othr couples, i cant tahan oredi. so i juz get out frm there n wen back hme. haish... wat a boring n disappointing day 4 me dun u tink so? basket btol! but its ok, aku sabar je la eh...
so we booked 2 lanes 1st n played our own 1st set while waiting 4 d othrs. soon mum, dad n 3rd sis came followed by abg apiz n kak anis. last 2 arrive was kak nor's famli wif their 2 cute babies. we all played bowling n it was damn funny. my grp were wawan, myself, fadhil, my dad n abg noh. the othr grp were titi, sulas, nurul, abg apiz, kak anis n cik sikin. had a gr8 tym laughing at each othr. hahaha!
den arnd 7 plus, we all took cik sikin's lorry 2 Grand Hyatt Hotel at Orchard while abg apiz took his motorbike wif kak anis. arrived at da hotel n proceeded 2 da dinner area. there, sum of my othr relatives were oredi there having their dinner. i noe it sounds expensive 2 hav dinner at a hotel but den its all 4 free! hahahaha.... so ape lagi, sebat uh! summore we were allowed 2 eat frm 7-10.30pm. fuuuuhhhhh!!!!!! gerek pe, kite bedal smue seyy. juz walk up 2 where da food is, take watever u wan n back 2 ur table 2 enjoy da meals.
overall it was a memorable one 4 all of us. my stomache was reali damn full man. haha... ape tk, aft one meal i stand up walk arnd, i came back wif anothr plate of food. hehe! aft da function ended, kak anis invited all 28 of us up 2 her wrkplace wic is at lvl 5. she wrk as a receptionist at a spa in da hotel. amek kau, kite masok tu spa je smue jadi berok sia. run here n there n explored da whole spa. its huge n very relaxing. one day muz go there but mahal seyy. nvm, can ask kak anis 4 discount. hehehe! aft much of d exploring, its tym 2 go hme.
cik sikin drove us hme wif his lorry. kak anis n abg apiz wen hme wif his Honda superbike but dunno wats da actual name uh. u noe da racing kind, yg cam Valentino Rossi nye. maut beb! haha... kak nor plak wen hme take car wif her famli.
ok now new topic. 2day wen out n supposed 2 mit erah n ezah. but wen i arrived at erah's blok, i called her n she said she's at sengkang sia! haish... apela u ni... tk blg siang2. waste my tym je go out. so nvm, met ezah n slacked wif her frens. den followed dem go Century Square coz they wanna buy sumtink 4 their piercing. soon i had 2 go coz im meeting my othr 2 frens at Tampines 1. baik uh, jln nye jln, bof of dem had 2 go. thanks eh frens! basket korg... hahahah! so no choice, i juz explored da whole shopping mall by myself. kesian kn? tahu tkpe...
den rite, i saw lotsa couples walking n holding each othr's hands. walaowei... make me jeles only! hmph! i oso dunno where my gf go sia, go out wif othr guy summore. haish... so all da while im walking arnd wif a sad plus boring face. den fed up oredi looking at othr couples, i cant tahan oredi. so i juz get out frm there n wen back hme. haish... wat a boring n disappointing day 4 me dun u tink so? basket btol! but its ok, aku sabar je la eh...