woi, lets tok abt 2day in a short post. wen 2 soccer match at bedok south sec. my team drew 4-4. i score a goal 2day. but i wasnt happy wen dad commented on how i played. he said 2day da way i played hancur. i didnt say anytink. but den how cld dat be? i even scored a goal. if nk comment pun atleast tok in a convincing way so dat i'll b more determined but ni tk, cam demoralising seyy. ok watever, i kept falling wen pple tackled me n den sum of da tym i was slipping. i tink my boots not suitable 4 dat kind of pitch. but overall im happy wif my performance 2day. scoring a goal has nvr been better. nxt wk i'll do better.
aft soccer match i didnt join dad n his teammates coz i was dead tired. my back hurts alot. it happened wen i was challenging wif tis big guy 2 head da ball n he pushed my back n i fell lyk nangka busok! hahahaha... lucky get a freekick if not i maki da ref sia. okok, so i took bus hme n singgah at esso petrol station near my blok 2 buy delifrance bread yg panjang tu. i simply love 2 eat it wif butter. reached hme took a bath, ate n now blogging.
2day is da 25th. to dat special sum1(u shud noe who u are), juz wanna say dat i love u so much. im sory we cant mit 2day 2 celebrate tis day 2gthr. u were bz n i dowan 2 rush u. plus i've got my soccer match. so wen i scored da goal, i shall dedicate it 2 u bcoz b4 da match started i've oredi promised myself 2 score atleast a goal 4 u. we shall go out nxt wk instead ok, i promise u dat. as 4 now, pls takecare of urself. i dowan u 2 get sick coz im sick of seeing u dat way. hahahaa... till here, i hope im alwys on ur mind eventho u may seem very bz at tyms. lastly, i miss u truckloads! <3