lyk i said earlier, tis is my post abt yest's outing wif cuzzins. met fadhil at kembangan mrt n off 2 cityhall mrt. met abg amin there wif his chinese fren who joined us 4 d outing. we decided 2 play bowling at marina square.
reached da bowling place, we wen 2 da counter n changed 2 bowling shoes. we played 2 sets of game. it was fun coz all of us r not reali used 2 playing bowling n r not so pro at it. tis is only lyk my 3rd tym bowling seyy. haha! so ya, i won da 1st set while d othrs were juz abt 2 get used 2 throwing da ball n getting their aims rite. da most funniest part was wen any of us threw da ball n it ended up into da 'longkang'. we laughed at each othr lyk hell man. hahahaha...
den in da 2nd set, my hand started 2 get weak n i found myself throwing most of da ball into da 'longkang'. puas hati aku tendang je seyy, uat cam soccer ball. but too bad, ni bowling cam batu sia. hehe! ok, so d othrs were lyk getting better wen i myself getting worse. hahaha... in d end abg amin won da 2nd set n i ended up last. frm 1st 2 last, how bad was dat man. haha... but nvm la, atleast i won da 1st set!
so aft dat, we wen 2 eat at Qiji. but fadhil n i headed 2 mac 1st coz we wanna buy double choc frappe 2 go wif our meals later. den headed 2 Qiji n eateateat lyk hungry pigs. hahahah... relax2 4 awhile n soon we decided 2 head 2 bugis - not by bus or mrt(if take mrt only 1 stop wat) but by walking. imagine frm marina square 2 bugis. tiring sia but den gd la, aft eating muz exercise abit wat so i wun look ugly. haha!
so we walk2 n chitchat n finally reached bugis. we wen into da new shopping mall beside bugis village. its quite big uh n very tall too. cume da shops there not fully opened. i love da cinema, one day shud watch movie there. coolios!
ok so aft much of d exploring, we took bus 2 Kandang Kerbau Hospital. visited kak nor's babyboy coz he kena warded last 2 days due 2 dehydration. alahai, ciannye my nephew ni... but wen we visited him, he looks well n healthy. so i guess he can go hme soon in any of these days. get well soon ok boy!
den arnd 8pm, wen off frm hosp n took shuttle bus along wif titi n cik ina 2 bugis mrt. den cik ina n titi wen straight hme while da 3 of us boys juz spent our tym at bugis village. we dunno where 2 go oredi la. haha... den abg amin bought himself bermudas. den planned where 2 eat since our stomache grumbling oredi. so i suggested dat we go eat at tongseng.
had our dinner at tongseng n as usual, relax 4 awhile b4 making our way 2 bugis junction. there, we sat n tok 4 awhile again b4 going back hme take mrt. dats all 4 yest, i hope u guys enjoyed looking thru da pics! (:
reached da bowling place, we wen 2 da counter n changed 2 bowling shoes. we played 2 sets of game. it was fun coz all of us r not reali used 2 playing bowling n r not so pro at it. tis is only lyk my 3rd tym bowling seyy. haha! so ya, i won da 1st set while d othrs were juz abt 2 get used 2 throwing da ball n getting their aims rite. da most funniest part was wen any of us threw da ball n it ended up into da 'longkang'. we laughed at each othr lyk hell man. hahahaha...
den in da 2nd set, my hand started 2 get weak n i found myself throwing most of da ball into da 'longkang'. puas hati aku tendang je seyy, uat cam soccer ball. but too bad, ni bowling cam batu sia. hehe! ok, so d othrs were lyk getting better wen i myself getting worse. hahaha... in d end abg amin won da 2nd set n i ended up last. frm 1st 2 last, how bad was dat man. haha... but nvm la, atleast i won da 1st set!
so aft dat, we wen 2 eat at Qiji. but fadhil n i headed 2 mac 1st coz we wanna buy double choc frappe 2 go wif our meals later. den headed 2 Qiji n eateateat lyk hungry pigs. hahahah... relax2 4 awhile n soon we decided 2 head 2 bugis - not by bus or mrt(if take mrt only 1 stop wat) but by walking. imagine frm marina square 2 bugis. tiring sia but den gd la, aft eating muz exercise abit wat so i wun look ugly. haha!
so we walk2 n chitchat n finally reached bugis. we wen into da new shopping mall beside bugis village. its quite big uh n very tall too. cume da shops there not fully opened. i love da cinema, one day shud watch movie there. coolios!
ok so aft much of d exploring, we took bus 2 Kandang Kerbau Hospital. visited kak nor's babyboy coz he kena warded last 2 days due 2 dehydration. alahai, ciannye my nephew ni... but wen we visited him, he looks well n healthy. so i guess he can go hme soon in any of these days. get well soon ok boy!
den arnd 8pm, wen off frm hosp n took shuttle bus along wif titi n cik ina 2 bugis mrt. den cik ina n titi wen straight hme while da 3 of us boys juz spent our tym at bugis village. we dunno where 2 go oredi la. haha... den abg amin bought himself bermudas. den planned where 2 eat since our stomache grumbling oredi. so i suggested dat we go eat at tongseng.
had our dinner at tongseng n as usual, relax 4 awhile b4 making our way 2 bugis junction. there, we sat n tok 4 awhile again b4 going back hme take mrt. dats all 4 yest, i hope u guys enjoyed looking thru da pics! (: