well ohh well, 2day is juz lyk any othr day - going 2 sch. it sux! but 4 da sake of my future, my famli's future n HER future, aku sanggop uat ape saje... ceyydebahh! hahahahahhaha!!!!
9-11am: had POD lab session. made new frens n had fun wif da lab experiments. gerek seyy main launcher. cam nk tembak je kat muke cikgu. hehehehehhe!!! plus i was in da same lab as arep's soon-to-be lover, nur filzah! sory eh arep. hehehe...
11am-1pm: had lunch wif sufian n his othr 2 frens. den wen up 2 library 2 mit razzak. still had so much tym so took a quick nap at da comfy sofa there. woke up n rushed 2 bookshop 2 buy goggles n back 2 class again.
1-2pm: had Emath2 lecture. im still on my mission - help my fren ask tis gal whom he lyks 4 her number. so juz now i sat behind her but da prob is, she's alwys wif her frens so kinda hard 4 me 2 get close 2 her. anw, didnt learn much during lecture since i've learnt dat last semester.
2-6pm: most boring lesson of all. 4 hrs of MachTech lab n i tink im starting 2 hate tis subject. teacher tok2 den took an online quiz. i scored 10/15, not bad la eh. haha... den off 2 machine center. they showed a demo on how 2 se da machines n stuff. cool shit! i love it wen it changes da tools. cam transformers sia! hehehehe...
so dats basically wat i did in sch. wen straight hme. damn tired n now i dun even feel lyk studying. gonna hav my late dinner soon n den off 2 bed. cant take it oredi... so gdnite all! (:
*i juz dun geddit. whywhywhy? im trying 2 protect but yet..... nvm den, 4get abt it. herman's a gdboy. he'll b patient. yeah, mayb he's hurt by YOU! but he's not gonna giv up on fa fight...*
9-11am: had POD lab session. made new frens n had fun wif da lab experiments. gerek seyy main launcher. cam nk tembak je kat muke cikgu. hehehehehhe!!! plus i was in da same lab as arep's soon-to-be lover, nur filzah! sory eh arep. hehehe...
11am-1pm: had lunch wif sufian n his othr 2 frens. den wen up 2 library 2 mit razzak. still had so much tym so took a quick nap at da comfy sofa there. woke up n rushed 2 bookshop 2 buy goggles n back 2 class again.
1-2pm: had Emath2 lecture. im still on my mission - help my fren ask tis gal whom he lyks 4 her number. so juz now i sat behind her but da prob is, she's alwys wif her frens so kinda hard 4 me 2 get close 2 her. anw, didnt learn much during lecture since i've learnt dat last semester.
2-6pm: most boring lesson of all. 4 hrs of MachTech lab n i tink im starting 2 hate tis subject. teacher tok2 den took an online quiz. i scored 10/15, not bad la eh. haha... den off 2 machine center. they showed a demo on how 2 se da machines n stuff. cool shit! i love it wen it changes da tools. cam transformers sia! hehehehe...
so dats basically wat i did in sch. wen straight hme. damn tired n now i dun even feel lyk studying. gonna hav my late dinner soon n den off 2 bed. cant take it oredi... so gdnite all! (:
*i juz dun geddit. whywhywhy? im trying 2 protect but yet..... nvm den, 4get abt it. herman's a gdboy. he'll b patient. yeah, mayb he's hurt by YOU! but he's not gonna giv up on fa fight...*