these r pics taken on our 5-boys outing on April Fool's Day. wen 2 play games at Cathay Cineleisure. it was gr8 2 hav all 5 of us 2gthr lyk we used 2 b in sec sch. harith, razzak n i played xbox360 while syahrul n sufian played da comp. harith was d one making lotsa noises. lyk dog sia. pekak jgk aku. haha! spent 2 hrs in there b4 making our move 2 Marina Barrage. took alots of pics there. relax2 n joked arnd. sufian was engrossed playing wif da water. hahaha... harith had 2 go 1st since he has 2 mit his othr frens.
den arnd 7pm, wen 2 Simei Eastpoint 2 hav dinner. syahrul n i accompanied razzak n sufian coz bof of our mothers were cooking n we decided 2 juz go hme n eat. aft dat, all dropped at tamp n wen separate ways. i followed sufian 2 his wrkplace at century square as i was craving 4 d ice-cream! hehe... ok den while eating ice-cream, sufian n i walked arnd till i finish it up. den wen hme while sufian joined his othr wrkmates 4 their meeting.
orites, i hope u enjoy da pics above. sory if my face abit tatink lyk sotong. i noe la my hair very short kn. haha! okok, im targetting 4 a nxt outing. mayb 2 Henderson Waves? coz i havent been there b4. but if possible, i wanna ask a gal out uh. so if any of u gals out there tinks u noe how 2 get there n dun mind going out wif me, do tell me ok. either contact me or juz leave a tag here ok, thanks! (:
den arnd 7pm, wen 2 Simei Eastpoint 2 hav dinner. syahrul n i accompanied razzak n sufian coz bof of our mothers were cooking n we decided 2 juz go hme n eat. aft dat, all dropped at tamp n wen separate ways. i followed sufian 2 his wrkplace at century square as i was craving 4 d ice-cream! hehe... ok den while eating ice-cream, sufian n i walked arnd till i finish it up. den wen hme while sufian joined his othr wrkmates 4 their meeting.
orites, i hope u enjoy da pics above. sory if my face abit tatink lyk sotong. i noe la my hair very short kn. haha! okok, im targetting 4 a nxt outing. mayb 2 Henderson Waves? coz i havent been there b4. but if possible, i wanna ask a gal out uh. so if any of u gals out there tinks u noe how 2 get there n dun mind going out wif me, do tell me ok. either contact me or juz leave a tag here ok, thanks! (: