ok, lets do a quick summary abt yest's events. aft go masjid, met up wif cuzzins fadhil, titi, sulas n wawan at bedok int. took bus 30 n headed off 2 vivocity. we had our late lunch at banquet. while we eating, sumtink funny happened. infront of me was a gal eating wif her famli. skali wen she stood up, fuhhhyyyoooooo!!!!!!! pantat jab seyy!!!!!!! hahahahahahha.... but she's quite pretty la. me n cuzzins laughed lyk hell man.
aft our meals, we wen out frm vivo n took a bus 2 henderson waves. it was my 1st tym there so ya, i was da most excited one. hehe! well, i muz say dat its a gr8 place 2 juz chill out n enjoy da beauty of nature. da henderson wave itself was a lyk a masterpiece structure. very high above da ground. basically we juz took pics among ourself there n enjoyed da beautiful scenery surrounding da brigde. ohya, there's oso monkeys joining us too! hahaha...
enuf of henderson waves, we decided 2 juz leave da place n followed da long trail 2 dunno wat place where me, fadhil n wawan reali had 2 go 2 da gents. cant take it anymore seyy, later anyhow urine in da forests susah plak. haha! ok den continued on our long walk. passed thru Forests Walk n Marang Trail. kept ourself entertained by taking lotsa pics. hahaha... abt an hour later, ended up at Alexandra Arch. wow, jauh siol kite jln. kaki nk tercabot beb! hahaha!!
so we decided 2 juz stop our journey at alexandra arch n headed 2 a nearest bus stop. we searched da bus directory 2 c where we can go frm there. so found bus 51 n decided 2 go bugis. while waiting 4 da bus, we spotted tis eurasian gal. she's very tall i tell ya n superb gorgeous. da 1st tink dat came 2 my mind was i wanna take a pic wif her! hahahaha... so i approached her n said tis:
me - "excuse me, do u speak english?"
her - "yeah..."
me - "umm... u see, we r doing a project abt clothing n i tink u look nice wif tis outfit."
her - "reali? ok..."
me - "ya, so can we take a pic wif u?"
her - "sure."
hahahahhahahaha!!!!!! baik pe aku peyy alasan. huahuahua... but ok la, asalkn dpt take pic wif her pun jadi la. plus i was abit shocked wen she held my wrist. hehehe... ceyydeybahh herman!
soon aft, bus 51 came n we took it. sadly she didnt board da bus. but den quite relieved too la, if not paisei seyy! hahaha.... ok den stopped at bugis n we explored da new shopping mall. tis is da 2nd tym i was there in 3 days. haha! notink much uh so juz took pics there n berambos. ok so our nxt stop was KKH. we wanted 2 visit our baby nephew. spent arnd 45mins there n took uncle's lorry 2 Yishun. basically juz slacked there while da parents helped out 4 tmr's kenduri. reached hme at 12.10am...
2day going off 2 Yishun coz got kenduri. later arnd 3 meeting cuzzins fadhil n wawan at tamp int. my parents had oredi gone there juz now in da mrng. bof sis plak smlm tido sane so now im alone at hme. haha... lagipun kenduri kul 5 pe, mls seyy nk gi siang2. anw, i'll update abt 2day soon k. mayb at nite wen im not tired or tmr mrng. till here, takecare all! (:
aft our meals, we wen out frm vivo n took a bus 2 henderson waves. it was my 1st tym there so ya, i was da most excited one. hehe! well, i muz say dat its a gr8 place 2 juz chill out n enjoy da beauty of nature. da henderson wave itself was a lyk a masterpiece structure. very high above da ground. basically we juz took pics among ourself there n enjoyed da beautiful scenery surrounding da brigde. ohya, there's oso monkeys joining us too! hahaha...
enuf of henderson waves, we decided 2 juz leave da place n followed da long trail 2 dunno wat place where me, fadhil n wawan reali had 2 go 2 da gents. cant take it anymore seyy, later anyhow urine in da forests susah plak. haha! ok den continued on our long walk. passed thru Forests Walk n Marang Trail. kept ourself entertained by taking lotsa pics. hahaha... abt an hour later, ended up at Alexandra Arch. wow, jauh siol kite jln. kaki nk tercabot beb! hahaha!!
so we decided 2 juz stop our journey at alexandra arch n headed 2 a nearest bus stop. we searched da bus directory 2 c where we can go frm there. so found bus 51 n decided 2 go bugis. while waiting 4 da bus, we spotted tis eurasian gal. she's very tall i tell ya n superb gorgeous. da 1st tink dat came 2 my mind was i wanna take a pic wif her! hahahaha... so i approached her n said tis:
me - "excuse me, do u speak english?"
her - "yeah..."
me - "umm... u see, we r doing a project abt clothing n i tink u look nice wif tis outfit."
her - "reali? ok..."
me - "ya, so can we take a pic wif u?"
her - "sure."
hahahahhahahaha!!!!!! baik pe aku peyy alasan. huahuahua... but ok la, asalkn dpt take pic wif her pun jadi la. plus i was abit shocked wen she held my wrist. hehehe... ceyydeybahh herman!
soon aft, bus 51 came n we took it. sadly she didnt board da bus. but den quite relieved too la, if not paisei seyy! hahaha.... ok den stopped at bugis n we explored da new shopping mall. tis is da 2nd tym i was there in 3 days. haha! notink much uh so juz took pics there n berambos. ok so our nxt stop was KKH. we wanted 2 visit our baby nephew. spent arnd 45mins there n took uncle's lorry 2 Yishun. basically juz slacked there while da parents helped out 4 tmr's kenduri. reached hme at 12.10am...
2day going off 2 Yishun coz got kenduri. later arnd 3 meeting cuzzins fadhil n wawan at tamp int. my parents had oredi gone there juz now in da mrng. bof sis plak smlm tido sane so now im alone at hme. haha... lagipun kenduri kul 5 pe, mls seyy nk gi siang2. anw, i'll update abt 2day soon k. mayb at nite wen im not tired or tmr mrng. till here, takecare all! (: