Afew more pics dat i stole. hehe! credits to kak Ayun:
how i wish i hav a happy famli. well, one day wen i marry da gal of my dream, i will make sure my famli alwys get double da happiness frm wat im currently hav rite now. as seen in tis pic is abg Noh, kak Nor n their 2 lovely child(Nur Afrina Umairah n Md Nusair).
'Step the Balloons' game
it gets lesser n lesser pple aft each balloon burst
left only da 4 of us. hey look, im dancing! hahahaha...
k now wat? im doing sum kind of Sumo moves? haha! its obvious dat kak Ayun(white dress) was chasing me n im trying reali hard 2 get away frm her.