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i literally forced my butt 2 fit nicely into dat swing. rite aft i took tis pic, my lil niece wasnt happy n she babbled 2 me saying dun sit there! hahaha...

these beautiful cakes doesnt come wif da cover. so we had 2 go down 2 buy da cover frm a nearby shop. there were 50 of dem cakes n its given out 2 all d adults. da younger ones were given party bags filled wif mini snacks.
i swear tis cake is huge. i tink titi muz b having difficulties holding on 2 da cake. unless if she's so strong lyk me. huak!
see tis lil toddler? mit my nephew, Nusair. he's da bday boy! he's juz a yr old on 11 july. i love his big eyes n evrytym i play hide n seek wif him, he wld laugh so loud its as if he's screaming 4 milk. hahaha...
ummm... we were juz spending our free tym playing wif tis. ohya, u all noe rite yg Catty frm Anugerah? yup, she was there too coz she's kind of related 2 abg noh. i wanted 2 take a pic wif her but damn, i missed it - all bcoz i was too engrossed wif tis game. she oredi gone hme coz she got her Anugerah rehearsal.

we played a game of 'Step the Balloons'. for those dat dunno wat game is dat, its actually a simple game. we tie a balloon on our ankle n d objective of da game is to step at othr pple's balloons while u keep ur balloon safe frm being stepped.
one by one da balloons burst. soon left wif me, kak ayun n kak nadzirah. bof of dem targeted me 1st as it was quite hard 2 burst my balloon. kate pro mahh. haha! so most of da tym i was defending myself against dem while hoping one of dem wld accidentally step on their own balloon. hahaha!!
it was very long coz none of us wld wanna lose. so kak nor decided dat those yg balloons dorg dh pecah can enter da game n try 2 burst da balloons frm 3 of us. siol uh, now its not da 3 of us battling among ourselves but its more of da 3 of us against a bunch of balloon steppers! i finally won ofcoz. partly bcoz only afew chased aft me while da rest were aft kak nadzirah n kak ayun's balloons. hahaha... oh btw, i got hit afew tyms on my 'lil brother'. muz be a jackpot 2 those who kicked me in there. huak!
i've got ladies arnd me!
tige sepuloh tige sepuloh! maseh panas maseh panas! hahahaha...

Happy Birthday! to all july babies:
abg shahril n abg noh - 6 july
me - 7 july
nusair - 11 july
erin teo - 13 july
suyanti - 23 july
yasmin - 25 july
cik paiman - dunno wic date

sory 4 da poor pic quality. there were too many camera flashes n wen my sis took tis pic, it happens dat sum1 else's camera was flashing. biase uh, kite kn cam celebrity gitu so paparazzi smue take pic uh. hehehe... cam phm!
frm left to right: nusair, suyanti, abg noh, erin, me, yasmin(abg shahril missing)

i kept on laughing my ass out wenever i view tis pic. even now im lyk laughing. hahahaa... noe y? try 2 spot sumtink urself. hehe!
ok i dunno y im all da way not smiling. i wan presents pls! haha... so far no one has given me a present yet. not even my own famli but its ok, it has alwys been lyk tis so im kinda used to it.
wondering y my face lyk tis? coz im eating chicken wings. and titi was beside me taking tis pic. so i took tis opportunity 2 show how delicious da chicken wings are. sedap sehingga menjilat BADAN youuuu!!!!! hahahahahaha...
sulas was standing there n it happens dat my niece Nur Afrina Umairah was beside her. so i quickly snapped tic pic. minahrep n minahrep junior! hohoho...
no worries, they're juz tired. not dead.

aiya! baby main2 tk penat, but yg penat titi plak. haha...
enjoying cocktail
sbelah bag sampah pun jadi eh amek gambar!
i helped out 2 bring down da mattresses. sis said ni dh cam pekerje kilang nk balik umah. ah yelaaaahhhhhh, thanks tau!
notice how shagged my hair became. frm da neat one 2 da messy one. tis is d end result of seating at da back of a lorry wif winds blowing at me, causing my hair 2 b distructively misplaced. hahahaha... but i still do look gd lyk tis rite? (:
ok currently im doing my japanese project. tis piece of shit is reali driving me crazy. wtf. im stressing out evry sec n da solution is 2 take a break - i gobbled a bar of hershey. hey, isnt hershey's my nickname? no wonder it tastes so heavenly. huak! mum n bof sis watching suci on sensasi. im waiting patiently 4 da drama 2 end coz i shud b watching F1 race now. its live on tv n its held at Germany rite now. ok den, gonna hav my dinner now. stomache's grumbling lyk mad. much love frm ur one n only Tom Cruise, takecare! hahahahah... <3