i guess evrytink happens 4 a reason. ezah, i've told u earlier n u shud hav listened 2 me. i noe there will b either volcanic sparks or a WWIII if *insert name* n i mit. lagi2 kite due tngh hot. so ya, u saw it urself rite? im juz so totally heartBROKEN. my heart's damaged n my hp's BROKEN into bits n pieces. ezah was d only one rite beside me wen it all happened. she heard all dat i said n saw evrytink. she's d one yg phm evry single tink dat happened. ezah, sory 4 troubling u but during dat tym i cld only hope 4 ur understanding. thanks alot ya, u even tried 2 put back da bits n pieces of my hp.
Dearest Princess,
its lyk a bad dream. a total nightmare. i was on d edge of my patience n i juz cldnt control it any further. i felt disappointed coz u seems 2 b ignoring me. u shud noe me well by now. dat kind of slightest tink, can hurt me. yes it does. mayb u were wrong 4 doing so. mayb i was wrong 4 feeling dat way. but we bof were in da wrong. i dunno wat 2 do aft tis. it hurts me too deep in da scar dat i almost felt lyk giving up. "I CANT BE BOTHERED!" yeah, its still lingering in my ears. its up 2 u now, u wanna bother abt me or not, ur choice. i can oredi feel we're tearing apart. drifting apart. i tried my best but u juz cldnt c thru my situation. if one day we do fall apart, guess i better go my way. it hurts, but 4 da better...
nelly, hope ur reading tis. i reali nid sum1 2 be by my side rite now. but i juz dunno how 2 contact u since my hp's shattered lyk glass. i'll try 2 giv u a kol, if ur not bz. plus d only way i can tok 2 u is thru msn so i hope u'll b online often. nelly, its as if my souls hav been pulled apart n im so lost, having no sense of belonging... ):
*my hp's dead so u all nonid contact me 4 da tym being. but 4 dat sum1, i tink u lyk it wat so i dun hafta contact u n we fight over matters. btol pe, i dun hafta care abt u or ur life anymore wat so ya. im sure u lyk it rite.*
*4 more days n i dun c any happiness getting thru my life. juz 4 once, i reali wanted dat happiness. its heartbreaking wen my special day is approaching but yet notink, juz notink is going on da rite path 4 me. even more hard 2 swallow is dat sum1 whom special 2 me, isnt treating me lyk one. now i noe y u did tis n dat, its bcoz i aint special 2 u. thanks.*
mayb one day wen it all ends btwn us, i'll use tis phrase:
I cry because it ended BUT i smile because it happened...
Dearest Princess,
its lyk a bad dream. a total nightmare. i was on d edge of my patience n i juz cldnt control it any further. i felt disappointed coz u seems 2 b ignoring me. u shud noe me well by now. dat kind of slightest tink, can hurt me. yes it does. mayb u were wrong 4 doing so. mayb i was wrong 4 feeling dat way. but we bof were in da wrong. i dunno wat 2 do aft tis. it hurts me too deep in da scar dat i almost felt lyk giving up. "I CANT BE BOTHERED!" yeah, its still lingering in my ears. its up 2 u now, u wanna bother abt me or not, ur choice. i can oredi feel we're tearing apart. drifting apart. i tried my best but u juz cldnt c thru my situation. if one day we do fall apart, guess i better go my way. it hurts, but 4 da better...
nelly, hope ur reading tis. i reali nid sum1 2 be by my side rite now. but i juz dunno how 2 contact u since my hp's shattered lyk glass. i'll try 2 giv u a kol, if ur not bz. plus d only way i can tok 2 u is thru msn so i hope u'll b online often. nelly, its as if my souls hav been pulled apart n im so lost, having no sense of belonging... ):
*my hp's dead so u all nonid contact me 4 da tym being. but 4 dat sum1, i tink u lyk it wat so i dun hafta contact u n we fight over matters. btol pe, i dun hafta care abt u or ur life anymore wat so ya. im sure u lyk it rite.*
*4 more days n i dun c any happiness getting thru my life. juz 4 once, i reali wanted dat happiness. its heartbreaking wen my special day is approaching but yet notink, juz notink is going on da rite path 4 me. even more hard 2 swallow is dat sum1 whom special 2 me, isnt treating me lyk one. now i noe y u did tis n dat, its bcoz i aint special 2 u. thanks.*
mayb one day wen it all ends btwn us, i'll use tis phrase:
I cry because it ended BUT i smile because it happened...