err... candid uh. cant reali rmb wat i was doing. shud b toking 2 fadhil abt where 2 go nxt. haha!

hello, mit my special one. she's cute, dun u tink so? and we do look alike, dun we?

here's my 2 beauties - oreo n babybear. nel, y u stand so far away? afraid i bite u eh? haha...

sister love. i've nvr seen such sisters going out 2gthr holding hands n being so playful wif each othr. not even my own sis. unlike tis two, they 24 hrs muz berkepit one. hahaha!

whoops! tngk mane tu dil? hahaha... tis is candid.

ok im not being gay here. juz standing behind him 2 pose 4 da camera. but seems lyk he didnt reali bother 2 pose. huak!

tis shop is super-white-in-color. at 1st i reali tot dat it was sum kind of customer service shop, even da pple wrking there are dressed in a formal way. skali check2 jual chocs uh beb!

skrg tngk mane plak ni? hahahahaha...

muke cam serial killer seyy aku... -.-

kel enjoys taking candid pics of me. if they snapped a stupid or funny pic of me, she'll laugh lyk one mad woman. hahahah...

k juz ignore tis face. mayb i simply cldnt resist d urge 2 try one of those chocs

oops, F-U-C-K YOU. hahahaha... u wan me help u dig ur nose? can find gold u noe!

amakk, tk snono seyy. hehe... i had 2 take off my long sleeve shirt coz i find it rather difficult 2 eat wif da shirt on. and again, kel was enjoying taking my pics. she took a video while im eating too!

juz chilling out outside Wheelock's Place. dats oso wen i started 2 get hyper n cracked nonsense jokes. well, bof kel n nel enjoyed it too.

nelly: u tk habes2 kasi minom air je
me: lom habes pe
kel: eh, put ur head nearer 2 nelly la

fadhil dun reali lyk 2 take pics. ni pun we had 2 pakse him take pic. if not he'll alwys b da one taking pics 4 us. haha...

my 1st b'day present so far tis yr - thanks alot nel n kel, i love u bof ahh!!!