heyya! so 2day, da bday boy goes 2 sch. and he gets kinda irritated in sch. it was during MCT lab. me n my othr 2 frens came in late. so da teacher said "u all late oredi. so i mark as absent." shit u la teacher, kite cam nk kasi je penumbok. we not happy sia. so ya, absent means we can go hme oredi coz no use wat sit there, our attendance considered zero wat. but nvm, we juz sit n continue wif lesson. fcuk sia, dh bagos tu kite dtg. klau nk ikotkn hati, none of us wld wan 2 attend da class. dh la subject mepek, i dun even phm a single shit man! idiot. idiotic.
ok come on, bday boy muz stay happy so i juz ignore da teacher. during break tym, all of us tron gi canteen uh. beh wen i wen up again, i realised quite afew number of pple frm da class dh balek. makin skit seyy org dlm class. hahahahaa... ape lagi, me n my othr 2 frens tot it wld b fun if we skip tis class. hehe! so we waited patiently n prayed hard dat da teacher wld go out frm da lab 2 take sumtink or watever uh. and den tis guy came up 2 da teacher n asked him if he can take sumtink. den da teacher wen out frm da lab 2 take da sum stuff. guess wat, we pounced our way out frm da lab. hehehhe.... alaa, bday boy pun nk jadi wild. skali skale je pe! (:
ok so i end sch at 5pm, an hr earlier den usual. haha... reached hme, i received lotsa msg n fs comments. all wishing me happy bday. so here are sum of it wic i've recorded down:
"Happy 18th Birthday Kamas Muhammad Aliff! May eu lead a long-full happiness life. Eu will always be cherished, thanks fr everything. Senyom slalu. Dont take drug. Dont love barney but love e-Rahh! xD" -Nor Umairah
"Happy 18th Birthday Kamas Muhammad Aliff! May your wishes come true. Takmu gado2 nan erah and takmu emo sgt. Haha." -Farwizah
takecare kamu !" -Syabilla
"happy birthday dearest! may ur wish cme true, hve fun on ur bdae kay, i wnt u to enjoy, tak bgos sad2, saayang kau." -Nelly
"MAS!! Hapi bday. Wooiii!! Cepat amek license, nnti leh Need For Speed ngan aku. LOL" -Razzak
"Hapy 18th birthday kamas... May u've blessful birthday ahead of u. Da abg2 18 lah seyy haha" -Nazirull
"Heyy !
Happie Burfday ! :)" -Raina
"Happy birthday Kamas Muhammad Aliff! Hah... good luck in whatever you do bro. Patience is virtue aite! :)" -Sufian
"Saaaaaaaaap herman ! happy birthday yeah ? enjoy this day , & may God bless you with better health . :D takecare dude ." -Saaa
"DUDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, Happy Happy Bdayyy!Outing again soon aiteee.(:" -Farhanah
TCTCTC" -Dayah
"hapi bdae !" -Nurul Ain
so here i am, thanking all of u who wished me. all of u make me feel special. love u guys! <3