pandai masak tau, dun play2

1st of all, i wld lyk 2 say an advanced Happy 18th B'Day to my cuzzin Suyanti! baik uh gal, dh legal seyy. bleh uh gi clubbing or wat eh. hahaha... but rmb, dun do stupid tinks eventho ur legal now. above r pics of me n da bday gal. peace!
i was oredi awake early in da mrng 2day. wen i looked out of my window, i saw da red sky. i was too curious abt da eclipse. haha! i wanna c wat happens b4 n aft d eclipse. den at 6.30am nelly msg me saying woodlands was oredi raining n da sky turning 2 purple as well as da clouds moving reali fast as if its a tornado. as 4 tampines, it was only windy. da wind was quite strong till at 7am, it started 2 rain heavily n da sky was turning purple b4 it turns 2 red n den back 2 normal again. cldnt reali c d eclipse coz it was raining. furthermore singapore is only effected by 20% unlike in india n china where most part of it was darkened by da moon's shadow. dad said jokingly, "india dh mmg gelap, org2 dier sendiri smue gelap pe."
hahahahahahaha!!!! basket btol uh bapak aku ni. oh well, lyk father lyk son! (:
had 2 different lecture in da same LT. was bored so wen out wif fren 2 da canteen. bought jemput2 n crabstick sandwich. notink much.
Emath quiz was ummm.... how shud i say? easy but there's a higher chance 2 get mistakes. but who cares, atleast i tried my best.
aft sch, 'loitered' at tamp 1 alone. hahaha... lonely sia aku. i was checking out wat 2 buy 4 my hair. its getting longer oredi. rimas uh dokk. reached hme, msg wif nelly. she was urging me 2 cut my hair coz i wun look cute if i hav long hair. so i told her i'll cut soon. den dpt tahu 2 hrs later i msg her again saying i oredi wen 4 a haircut. nel, im cuter den u ok! hehehehe...
i was oredi awake early in da mrng 2day. wen i looked out of my window, i saw da red sky. i was too curious abt da eclipse. haha! i wanna c wat happens b4 n aft d eclipse. den at 6.30am nelly msg me saying woodlands was oredi raining n da sky turning 2 purple as well as da clouds moving reali fast as if its a tornado. as 4 tampines, it was only windy. da wind was quite strong till at 7am, it started 2 rain heavily n da sky was turning purple b4 it turns 2 red n den back 2 normal again. cldnt reali c d eclipse coz it was raining. furthermore singapore is only effected by 20% unlike in india n china where most part of it was darkened by da moon's shadow. dad said jokingly, "india dh mmg gelap, org2 dier sendiri smue gelap pe."
hahahahahahaha!!!! basket btol uh bapak aku ni. oh well, lyk father lyk son! (:
had 2 different lecture in da same LT. was bored so wen out wif fren 2 da canteen. bought jemput2 n crabstick sandwich. notink much.
Emath quiz was ummm.... how shud i say? easy but there's a higher chance 2 get mistakes. but who cares, atleast i tried my best.
aft sch, 'loitered' at tamp 1 alone. hahaha... lonely sia aku. i was checking out wat 2 buy 4 my hair. its getting longer oredi. rimas uh dokk. reached hme, msg wif nelly. she was urging me 2 cut my hair coz i wun look cute if i hav long hair. so i told her i'll cut soon. den dpt tahu 2 hrs later i msg her again saying i oredi wen 4 a haircut. nel, im cuter den u ok! hehehehe...