here's an update abt yest. wen out wif fadhil to far east plaza. he wanted 2 check out nike shoes. den took bus 2 marina square. bought double choc frappe n off 2 mit sis n her frens at esplanade. watched firewrks. weee!!!! da spot we were at was perfect, we cld c evrytink except 4 da ndp performances. den got da canon or dunno wat uh at da waters there. da sound damn loud. got a grp of matreps terkejot beh pekik. hahahah... kental! da tink i love most was d aerial display of 3 fighter jets fly pass da marina bay platform. i've alwys enjoyed it evry yr. cool shit! lastly, evry1's fav part of da nite n da grand finale in each ndp - beautiful firewrks!
aft da show, all of us walked 2 marina square n had our meals at Qiji. soon aft wen hme by bus. all of us took da same bus but alighted at different stops. so yeah, quite a fun experience. gonna go again on 9 august. mayb tis tym muz ajak nelly.
as for 2day, i had 2 wake up early tis mrng coz meeting my frens 2 do japanese project at downtown east mac. blablabla, aft doing project, they played mahjong on da laptp. amanda even teached me how 2 play. so i played la but i was blur. hahaha! and ric n i was hoping amanda wld lose 2 d opponents. amanda was ofcoz, reali irritated. huak!
aft da show, all of us walked 2 marina square n had our meals at Qiji. soon aft wen hme by bus. all of us took da same bus but alighted at different stops. so yeah, quite a fun experience. gonna go again on 9 august. mayb tis tym muz ajak nelly.
as for 2day, i had 2 wake up early tis mrng coz meeting my frens 2 do japanese project at downtown east mac. blablabla, aft doing project, they played mahjong on da laptp. amanda even teached me how 2 play. so i played la but i was blur. hahaha! and ric n i was hoping amanda wld lose 2 d opponents. amanda was ofcoz, reali irritated. huak!
sory eh coz i cant find how 2 tilt tis video. and sory 4 my sis nye comments. she took tis video but at da same tym her mulot becok uh. jakon kot. hahaha!!!!