as u can c frm d above pic, dats da hp im currently using. dat hp was my 1st one wen i was back in sec 3. hahaha! maseh bernyawa seyy ni bende. since 3rd sis got a new line student plan, she pass dat hp tu me wen she gets da new one. naseb sia. if not i can die wifout my hp coz its my one n only gf dat i hav. hahahahhaha...
enuf abt hp, lets tok abt soccer. juz now soccer match we won 4-0. maut beb! i only played in 2nd half but still, i was awarded The Most Valuable Defender while abg salehin was awarded The Most Valuable Player. baik uh. wohoooo!!!! but da sad part was wen i had 2 change my jersey number wif uncle shai. he wearing size L n im wearing size XL so he wanted 2 change. so dat means im gonna lose dat number 22 n had 2 change wif number 5 instead. tkpela, 5 pun 5 la eh. gasak je. haha!
im not happy at one tink uh. its abt sch. my course abit special, we can choose where we wanna go in 3rd yr wic is either Aerospace Engineering(aero), Robotics(robo) or Process Control and Automation(pca). den rite, wen i check da results, i kena pca. im not saying its lousy but looking at sum of my othr fren's results as compared 2 mine, my results r better den dem. but da tink is, they get 2 go into aero. damn! i shud hav put aero as my 1st choice coz i tot my chances of getting into it were slim as my results arent dat gd. skali dats not wat i expected.
well oh well, mayb dats where my fate lies. muz make gd use of it. haha! anw, im now chatting wif shidahsupercat. dier gile. gile babi nye. hahahahahhaha.... sory eh shidah if u reading but its da fact. hehe! she said im her best person 2 chat wif coz i alwys tok craps wif her n very funny. but i still tink she more gile den me. plus i was shocked wen i gotta noe dat she knl nelly. hahahaahha!! mestila, aku peyy bestie smue org knl sia. btol tk nellie.ollie.oreo? *winks*
ok cool, 3 more days. i juz cant wait eventho i said its as if i cant c any happiness going thru my life. tmr will b going out wif fadhil watching transformers. haha! skrg baru kite nk tngk seyy. so ya, its lyk an early celebration on my special day uh. tot of ajak nelly but she said she's watching it 2nite. nmpknye aku dgn fadhil je la. kate bestest cuzzin pe, eh adil? (:
k uh, i better slp now. getting sleepy n im juz waiting 4 nelly 2 msg me. aiya, tis gal uh, very funny. jacob btol! huak~