me: yeah, lets fcuk his ass!
harith: *shows butt*

friday was quite a fun day eventho its juz a normal outing wif my usual dudes. ohya, syahrul's gf joined us too. she's my sedare jauh seyy. haha! anw aft prayers, headed 2 food culture 2 fill our empty stomache. den its movie tym! we're watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. it was oredi bloody packed wif pple wen we reached da cinema. mostly were KIDS wif sch uniform. tngk kite, dh poly nonid wear uniform ni smue. hahahaha!!! anw, sufian oredi bought da tix earlier on wed or thurs i tink. so we nonid 2 queue 4 da tix.
overall da movie was ok but not dat satisfying. dumbledore died. but mepek sia, snape stakat ckp "abra kadabra" n he swished his wand 2wards dat old man den dumbledore fell out of da so-called hogwarts castle. the ending was kinda disappointing. lyk abrupt ending seyy. notink reali catches my attention thruout da movie. but rather it was emma watson whom i had my eyes on. hehehe... i swear, she's gorgeous man!
so for those who wanna watch tis new harry potter movie, i suggest u dun waste ur money ok. ratings: 6.5/10. well, dats 4 me la. mayb 4 u guys its different, u may find tis movie interesting. but if u say its 10/10, den there's sumtink wrong wif u. haha! anw, aft da movie, sufian said he had 2 go sumwhere 1st but he'll join us later while we followed syahrul to tamp 1. he bought shirts there. den sufian called saying mit him at tamp mall open plaza.
dats where da surprise happened. i didnt expect 2 c him sitting there waiting 4 us wif a cake. no wonder he didnt join us earlier wen he said he gotta go sumwhere 1st. haha... so ya, on da cake was my name n syahrul's too(we didnt celebrate his bday back in april). thanks sufian 4 da surprise! (:
*how i wished i cld stay single(ok im single now) n all i wan is Nelly to be by my side alwys. i wan nobody else but my oreo sweetheart.*
overall da movie was ok but not dat satisfying. dumbledore died. but mepek sia, snape stakat ckp "abra kadabra" n he swished his wand 2wards dat old man den dumbledore fell out of da so-called hogwarts castle. the ending was kinda disappointing. lyk abrupt ending seyy. notink reali catches my attention thruout da movie. but rather it was emma watson whom i had my eyes on. hehehe... i swear, she's gorgeous man!
so for those who wanna watch tis new harry potter movie, i suggest u dun waste ur money ok. ratings: 6.5/10. well, dats 4 me la. mayb 4 u guys its different, u may find tis movie interesting. but if u say its 10/10, den there's sumtink wrong wif u. haha! anw, aft da movie, sufian said he had 2 go sumwhere 1st but he'll join us later while we followed syahrul to tamp 1. he bought shirts there. den sufian called saying mit him at tamp mall open plaza.
dats where da surprise happened. i didnt expect 2 c him sitting there waiting 4 us wif a cake. no wonder he didnt join us earlier wen he said he gotta go sumwhere 1st. haha... so ya, on da cake was my name n syahrul's too(we didnt celebrate his bday back in april). thanks sufian 4 da surprise! (:
*how i wished i cld stay single(ok im single now) n all i wan is Nelly to be by my side alwys. i wan nobody else but my oreo sweetheart.*