1st day of sch. sux. no mood 2 go sch. but decided 2 go coz i miss frens alot. 1st lesson of da day was 4 hours of MTNPROJ, mostly da subject is using comp. not bad but i find it a lil dry n boring. EMATH3 lecture cancelled, dunno y. so headed 2 canteen 2 mit sufian n his othr classmates. soon they wen back 4 their classes while razzak n i had our lunch outside sch. aft lunch, back 2 sch for remaining 2hrs of lesson - POD lecture n tutorial each.
4pm sch ends n i rushed outta sch bcoz i cldnt tahan being in sch. juz feel lyk going hme n rest. haha... but singgah Tamp1 jap coz i wanna read mags n books at Times. tmr sch is at 12-3pm. cool kape! wanna mit up wif sum1 but sumtink alwys gets in da way. KLAU TKNK JUMPE TU CKP JE LA, TKYAH NK BUAL BELIT2 OK. aku belitkn kepale cam ular baru tahu. grr!
anw, there's sumtink i wish 2 let out here wic is.....
4pm sch ends n i rushed outta sch bcoz i cldnt tahan being in sch. juz feel lyk going hme n rest. haha... but singgah Tamp1 jap coz i wanna read mags n books at Times. tmr sch is at 12-3pm. cool kape! wanna mit up wif sum1 but sumtink alwys gets in da way. KLAU TKNK JUMPE TU CKP JE LA, TKYAH NK BUAL BELIT2 OK. aku belitkn kepale cam ular baru tahu. grr!
anw, there's sumtink i wish 2 let out here wic is.....