alhamdulillah, all 5 of us are safely back frm our ubin trip. met at 9am, bused 2 changi village. had our breakfast while razzak n i chose not to bcoz we were worried dat our stomache uat hal. i cant eat early in da mrng, later masok toilet. hehe! anw, aft they had their meals, walked 2 changi jetty. took a so-called 'ferry' heading 2 pulau ubin.
we rented bicycles n started 2 cycle arnd d island. we guided ourselves wif a map wic we took at d infomation counter. soon it rained n we had 2 rest 4 awhile under a hut. got maksaleh famli resting there too. we were surprised dat they cld understand n even speak malay. haha... so while waiting 4 da rain 2 stop, we played afew rounds of taiti. as soon as da rain clears, we were back cycling. ohya, we saw afew cemetery too but we juz kept quiet.
had 2 lock our bicycles at Chek Jawa coz we arent allowed 2 cycle in there. so walk2 n did lotsa sight-seeing. my fav was wen we were at da seafront. how calm n relaxing. i juz wished i cld visit there again n scream my heart out wenever im stressed or having probs. so skipskip, we juz cycled thruout da whole island. well, not quite da whole of it as we were faced wif a sudden obstacle.
we were all fired up 2 cycle 2 d othr end of ubin but sum stupid brainless animal stopped us in da way. we were stucked bcoz a big black dog was sitting at da center of da road. dat dog was da same one wic tried 2 follow us earlier on. there wasnt any othr way so we were screwed. but sumhow we managed 2 get pass thru da road wen da dog was i dunno where it wen to. haha!
well, our 'dog encounter' doesnt end there. aft awhile we came to a 2-way junction so we stopped n had a look at da map. guess wat?? we saw dat damn same dog coming straight at us frm behind! cb sia. ni anjing nk ape sial. so at dat panic moment, we had notink 2 lose but 2 run. sufian n i cycled into da left lane while razzak, harith n syahrul tried 2 escape. razzak said da dog came near him but he stood still n da dog didnt reali bother abt him n chased aft sufian n i instead. wahh can die sia!
den i dunno where i cycle sia, sufian pun main ikot je. hahaha... we passed thru a hut. but there were 6 freaking dogs in it! argh! i was praying hard they wun chase aft us. it didnt tho but wen da dog wic was chasing us came by da hut, all 6 of dem suddenly barked hard n tried 2 chase away dat black dog. i guess those 6 dogs r lyk guards in dat territory. phew! i felt lyk dying sia. hahaha... being chased by a dog is so much more frightening den being haunted by a ghost. huak!
dat bloody black dog now has gone 2 dunno where. i was relieved but only 4 a short while. sufian n i were happily cycling back 2 where our frens were. i was abt juz 10m away frm reaching our frens wen out of nowhere dat idiotic dog appeared again frm da right - tis tym frm da bushes. my 1st tot was fcuk! hahaha... i jammed my brakes hard n quickly turned my bicycle d othr way round, all in one smooth motion. hahaha! dh takot sia, nk uat ape kn. sufian n i cycled trying 2 find our way out. tis tym i reali had goosebumps all over. huak!
luckily got tis chinese man who tried 2 scare away da dog. k now da dog has finally gone. so sufian n i cycled back 2 our frens. wen we reached, syahrul wasnt there. guess wat? razzak said dat dog has chased him too. hahahahahahahahahahah!!!!
kesian sia kene kejar sorg plak tu. k nvm, so da 4 of us juz made our way 2 where syahrul were chased. soon met up wif him. glad dat he's still intact n no dog bites were found on his body. hahahahhaha...
we decided 2 juz cancel our way into d othr end of ubin bcoz we cldnt take it wif da dogs anymore. sufian dh la fobia dgn dogs. haha! damn u dog, cam nk amek kayu je sia bunoh satu2 kat sane. cb btol. we replaced da name 'Pulau Ubin' to 'Doggie Island' instead. =.=
at arnd 3 plus we returned our bikes back 2 da rental shop. changed our clothes n ferried back 2 changi. hme swit hme! felt so safe n secure. haha... we bused 2 simpang bedok as all agreed 2 eat there. aft dat all wen hme but i followed syahrul 2 his hse as i wanna take game. ended up i played PS3 wif him till 7 plus. hehe! den ofcoz, i was back at hme. tired sia, pinggang bleh tercabot!
i've uploaded all pics in my facebook. do visit my profile if u wanna look at it. so 4 those who doesnt own a facebook account, here are sum of da pics taken. enjoy! (:
we rented bicycles n started 2 cycle arnd d island. we guided ourselves wif a map wic we took at d infomation counter. soon it rained n we had 2 rest 4 awhile under a hut. got maksaleh famli resting there too. we were surprised dat they cld understand n even speak malay. haha... so while waiting 4 da rain 2 stop, we played afew rounds of taiti. as soon as da rain clears, we were back cycling. ohya, we saw afew cemetery too but we juz kept quiet.
had 2 lock our bicycles at Chek Jawa coz we arent allowed 2 cycle in there. so walk2 n did lotsa sight-seeing. my fav was wen we were at da seafront. how calm n relaxing. i juz wished i cld visit there again n scream my heart out wenever im stressed or having probs. so skipskip, we juz cycled thruout da whole island. well, not quite da whole of it as we were faced wif a sudden obstacle.
we were all fired up 2 cycle 2 d othr end of ubin but sum stupid brainless animal stopped us in da way. we were stucked bcoz a big black dog was sitting at da center of da road. dat dog was da same one wic tried 2 follow us earlier on. there wasnt any othr way so we were screwed. but sumhow we managed 2 get pass thru da road wen da dog was i dunno where it wen to. haha!
well, our 'dog encounter' doesnt end there. aft awhile we came to a 2-way junction so we stopped n had a look at da map. guess wat?? we saw dat damn same dog coming straight at us frm behind! cb sia. ni anjing nk ape sial. so at dat panic moment, we had notink 2 lose but 2 run. sufian n i cycled into da left lane while razzak, harith n syahrul tried 2 escape. razzak said da dog came near him but he stood still n da dog didnt reali bother abt him n chased aft sufian n i instead. wahh can die sia!
den i dunno where i cycle sia, sufian pun main ikot je. hahaha... we passed thru a hut. but there were 6 freaking dogs in it! argh! i was praying hard they wun chase aft us. it didnt tho but wen da dog wic was chasing us came by da hut, all 6 of dem suddenly barked hard n tried 2 chase away dat black dog. i guess those 6 dogs r lyk guards in dat territory. phew! i felt lyk dying sia. hahaha... being chased by a dog is so much more frightening den being haunted by a ghost. huak!
dat bloody black dog now has gone 2 dunno where. i was relieved but only 4 a short while. sufian n i were happily cycling back 2 where our frens were. i was abt juz 10m away frm reaching our frens wen out of nowhere dat idiotic dog appeared again frm da right - tis tym frm da bushes. my 1st tot was fcuk! hahaha... i jammed my brakes hard n quickly turned my bicycle d othr way round, all in one smooth motion. hahaha! dh takot sia, nk uat ape kn. sufian n i cycled trying 2 find our way out. tis tym i reali had goosebumps all over. huak!
luckily got tis chinese man who tried 2 scare away da dog. k now da dog has finally gone. so sufian n i cycled back 2 our frens. wen we reached, syahrul wasnt there. guess wat? razzak said dat dog has chased him too. hahahahahahahahahahah!!!!
kesian sia kene kejar sorg plak tu. k nvm, so da 4 of us juz made our way 2 where syahrul were chased. soon met up wif him. glad dat he's still intact n no dog bites were found on his body. hahahahhaha...
we decided 2 juz cancel our way into d othr end of ubin bcoz we cldnt take it wif da dogs anymore. sufian dh la fobia dgn dogs. haha! damn u dog, cam nk amek kayu je sia bunoh satu2 kat sane. cb btol. we replaced da name 'Pulau Ubin' to 'Doggie Island' instead. =.=
at arnd 3 plus we returned our bikes back 2 da rental shop. changed our clothes n ferried back 2 changi. hme swit hme! felt so safe n secure. haha... we bused 2 simpang bedok as all agreed 2 eat there. aft dat all wen hme but i followed syahrul 2 his hse as i wanna take game. ended up i played PS3 wif him till 7 plus. hehe! den ofcoz, i was back at hme. tired sia, pinggang bleh tercabot!
i've uploaded all pics in my facebook. do visit my profile if u wanna look at it. so 4 those who doesnt own a facebook account, here are sum of da pics taken. enjoy! (:
