these are leftover pics frm da previous raye. i noe dh basi but nvm la, juz post it here. haha!

yest nite i had a bloody hard tym sleeping due 2 sorethroat. in d end i woke up in d mrng feeling very weak n fatigued. had 2 go sch tho coz i cant skip as i noe my attendance will b affected. had only 1 subject for 2day but its a 4 hour lab session. can die sia. haha...
aft sch, as usual wen 2 masjid wif sufian, syahrul n razzak. den proceeded 2 tamp mall mac where we slacked while waiting for hidayah(syahrul's gf) to mit up wif us. she's joining us to town. so den we took mrt off 2 marina square. syahrul bought a new mp3 as he lost his old one. kesian pe boy, hilang kat jemputan lagi! hahaha... initial plan was 2 play bowling but since we all wanted 2 save money, we cancelled da plan. we window shopped instead. syahrul bought a 2nd item too wic was a billabong wallet at topman. eh wait, i tink his gf yg belikn. tah la kn, but i noe he bought a wallet n mp3 juz now. org kaya baru nmpk boy! hahahahhahaa...
arnd 5 plus had our meals at BK. i ate double whopper meal with cheese wic costs me $9.95. wow! i noe its expensive but ok la, puas hati beb! hahaha... i swear da burger was huge n kinda heavy. i noe i may look small but sumtyms my appetite doesnt tally wif my size - i eat lyk a bodybuilder! hahaha... wif our bloated stomache, we den headed down 2 esplanade wic we nidda walk 1okm! far sia! hahaha... lek uh, jk only la. padehal sbelah je eh.
slacked at rooftop of espanade. chitchatted n we saw a couple having 'public sex'. hehe! well not reali uh, juz dat da guy is hugging da gal frm behind n they seem 2 be in an awkward position. k uh, senang ckp doggie style. hahahahhaha!!! syahrul saw it 1st. aku dh biase dh dgn prangai dier. hahaha... sufian n i was toking nonstop while razzak i dunno wats wif him 2day, ade je dier nk kcau org. rindu dier peyy chinese gf kot. huak! hidayah was rather quite, mayb she's shy. she has been out wif us quite afew tyms b4 but mayb she hasnt get used 2 our way of interacting wif each othr n our jokes all. biasela, kite smue guys sia. mayb nxt tym if she joins us again, we make sure she feels lyk a part of our grp.
it was oredi 7 plus by den so we made a move hme. ohya, we watched a short performance at d esplanade by a grp of filipinos dancers b4 heading down 2 the mrt. reached hme, i felt a lil giddy. took a quick washup n den ate my medicine - 2 pills of panadol n 2 spoonful of sorethroat syrup. ewwww!!!! hate it but wat 2 do, i wanna recover faster. confirm nanti mlm aku tido drop dead nye. jgn tk bangun sua eh. huak!
it was a sudden dat i got sick. mayb bcoz of da weather n partly evry nite i wld tink abt sum1 wic makes me miss her real bad. wahh, cannot tahan sia. haha! im lyk dat one, if i say i miss sum1 i reali do. den i wld hav lil headache here n there juz bcoz of tinking too much abt da person. ok den, till here. gotta start drinking plenty of plain water b4 my body gets reali dehydrated. tc all! (:
aft sch, as usual wen 2 masjid wif sufian, syahrul n razzak. den proceeded 2 tamp mall mac where we slacked while waiting for hidayah(syahrul's gf) to mit up wif us. she's joining us to town. so den we took mrt off 2 marina square. syahrul bought a new mp3 as he lost his old one. kesian pe boy, hilang kat jemputan lagi! hahaha... initial plan was 2 play bowling but since we all wanted 2 save money, we cancelled da plan. we window shopped instead. syahrul bought a 2nd item too wic was a billabong wallet at topman. eh wait, i tink his gf yg belikn. tah la kn, but i noe he bought a wallet n mp3 juz now. org kaya baru nmpk boy! hahahahhahaa...
arnd 5 plus had our meals at BK. i ate double whopper meal with cheese wic costs me $9.95. wow! i noe its expensive but ok la, puas hati beb! hahaha... i swear da burger was huge n kinda heavy. i noe i may look small but sumtyms my appetite doesnt tally wif my size - i eat lyk a bodybuilder! hahaha... wif our bloated stomache, we den headed down 2 esplanade wic we nidda walk 1okm! far sia! hahaha... lek uh, jk only la. padehal sbelah je eh.
slacked at rooftop of espanade. chitchatted n we saw a couple having 'public sex'. hehe! well not reali uh, juz dat da guy is hugging da gal frm behind n they seem 2 be in an awkward position. k uh, senang ckp doggie style. hahahahhaha!!! syahrul saw it 1st. aku dh biase dh dgn prangai dier. hahaha... sufian n i was toking nonstop while razzak i dunno wats wif him 2day, ade je dier nk kcau org. rindu dier peyy chinese gf kot. huak! hidayah was rather quite, mayb she's shy. she has been out wif us quite afew tyms b4 but mayb she hasnt get used 2 our way of interacting wif each othr n our jokes all. biasela, kite smue guys sia. mayb nxt tym if she joins us again, we make sure she feels lyk a part of our grp.
it was oredi 7 plus by den so we made a move hme. ohya, we watched a short performance at d esplanade by a grp of filipinos dancers b4 heading down 2 the mrt. reached hme, i felt a lil giddy. took a quick washup n den ate my medicine - 2 pills of panadol n 2 spoonful of sorethroat syrup. ewwww!!!! hate it but wat 2 do, i wanna recover faster. confirm nanti mlm aku tido drop dead nye. jgn tk bangun sua eh. huak!
it was a sudden dat i got sick. mayb bcoz of da weather n partly evry nite i wld tink abt sum1 wic makes me miss her real bad. wahh, cannot tahan sia. haha! im lyk dat one, if i say i miss sum1 i reali do. den i wld hav lil headache here n there juz bcoz of tinking too much abt da person. ok den, till here. gotta start drinking plenty of plain water b4 my body gets reali dehydrated. tc all! (: