tis is my 3ooth post. wow, amazing! haha... *claps hand*
i've oredi bought dat billabong snowcap n oso a long sleeve tshirt. ok im gonna stop shopping here till i hav more money. i hav a feeling im gonna nid lotsa money in afew wks ahead bcoz sch is starting tmr n it means muz buy more books. oh btw, here's my sch schedule:
8am-1pm, (break at 1pm), 2-4pm
11am-12pm, (break at 12pm), 1-6pm
ok la, tis semester my tym table not bad oso. ends late on 2 days only. well, i hope wif tis new tym table im able 2 get more rest n study tym(not lyk last tym, disaster sia) n ofcoz tis wld help in my determination 2 do better in my studies. i can do it!
notink much happened 2day, played games juz 2 satisfy myself. last day of hols sia so muz enjoy b4 i get busy wif sch again. and oh, tmr last day of hari raye too. how fast. im sad dat ramadhan n aidilfitri has gone. too much beautiful memories in tis 2 months. now muz wait for another 12 months n im looking forward to it.
im sleeping late 2nite bcoz F1 race only starts at 11.45pm due to da difference in hours. da race is at brazil n its held on d afternoon there. im juz worried dat i wun b able 2 get enuf slp as tmr sch starts early.
last few days i've spent my tym wif my close ones b4 i get busy wif sch. as usual, wif my 4 othr brothers-from-different-mothers n ofcoz my cuzzins. only dat i cldnt get 2 mit wif nelly bcoz she seems busy. one last tink 2 say here. i miss sum1 reali bad now. and if i were 2 say out da name, definitely its nelly. imy alot n i reali do. pls takecare of urself wen im not arnd ok. love u. <3
i've oredi bought dat billabong snowcap n oso a long sleeve tshirt. ok im gonna stop shopping here till i hav more money. i hav a feeling im gonna nid lotsa money in afew wks ahead bcoz sch is starting tmr n it means muz buy more books. oh btw, here's my sch schedule:
8am-1pm, (break at 1pm), 2-4pm
11am-12pm, (break at 12pm), 1-6pm
ok la, tis semester my tym table not bad oso. ends late on 2 days only. well, i hope wif tis new tym table im able 2 get more rest n study tym(not lyk last tym, disaster sia) n ofcoz tis wld help in my determination 2 do better in my studies. i can do it!
notink much happened 2day, played games juz 2 satisfy myself. last day of hols sia so muz enjoy b4 i get busy wif sch again. and oh, tmr last day of hari raye too. how fast. im sad dat ramadhan n aidilfitri has gone. too much beautiful memories in tis 2 months. now muz wait for another 12 months n im looking forward to it.
im sleeping late 2nite bcoz F1 race only starts at 11.45pm due to da difference in hours. da race is at brazil n its held on d afternoon there. im juz worried dat i wun b able 2 get enuf slp as tmr sch starts early.
last few days i've spent my tym wif my close ones b4 i get busy wif sch. as usual, wif my 4 othr brothers-from-different-mothers n ofcoz my cuzzins. only dat i cldnt get 2 mit wif nelly bcoz she seems busy. one last tink 2 say here. i miss sum1 reali bad now. and if i were 2 say out da name, definitely its nelly. imy alot n i reali do. pls takecare of urself wen im not arnd ok. love u. <3