yest was da day i found da truth abt evrytink. well, it may not b evrytink yet bcoz i noe there's so much more lies hidden away frm me. i met ally n we were juz shocked 2 hear dat bof of us were told different stories. ally said usually its da guys who creates alot of dramas in a relationship. u noe, lyk having a scandal or hurt da gal or watever else there is. but ally said in my case, its different - totally the othr way round. i fell victim 2 alot of lies, thanks 2 dat gal. juz sumtink 2 say here 2 dat gal, eh u did alot of shits oredi 2 me so dun try 2 cover up ur butt n denying evry single tink. it wun wrk anymore tis tym ok. sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga!
anw, aft dat ally had 2 go off so i decided 2 juz go hme. im too stressed out tinking abt evry single lies. i've been cheated for nearly 9 months. so i decided 2 join my usual guys(sufian, syahrul, razzak) instead coz i noe i needed tym 2 relax n clear my mind off dat matter. met dem at tamp mall pastamania. i came over 2 join rite wen they juz finished their lunch. bought sum stuffs at watson. syahrul's gf, hidayah(she is my sedare jauh) came 2 mit up wif him coz they planned 2 go out but in d end they juz slacked along wif us. so headed 2 mac n had a drink. we planned 4 our pulau ubin outing too wic is on tis coming thurs. yessa, i cant wait. finally gotta go on a real adventure wif my othr four-brothers-from-different mothers. hahaha...
as for 2day, i had a new haircut. i dunno wat style i shud go for so i told da guy 2 juz shave my hair clean. wait, not botak k. u noe michael scofield frm prison break? yeah sumtink lyk his but not so short la. haha... i still wanna apply wax. my hair wasnt dat long yet but im attending an open hse exactly in a wk tym so i tot mayb its best 4 me 2 go 4 an early cut so my hair will hav tym 2 grow. hopefully in a wk tym it wld hav grown quite smoothly n dat i wld look smart, neat n gd.
back frm haircut, got ready 2 go jln raye wif famli. only 2 hse uh. haha! 2day im quite lucky bcoz while in da bus, got alot of pretty gals go jln raye. but sadly my hair is still young n hasnt grown fully - its super short. dat means i dun hav any mohawk style or watever n my face look lyk small kids. lyk i was back in sec 1 wen pple used 2 kol me boy thailand. cb. haha! so one of da gal kinda look at me n den she turned away. how cld tis be happening! usually they wld look at me again sia. haishhhh.... reali man, i regret cutting my hair 2day. cannot attract gals liao. cb twice uh. eh i single wat so can flirt. not lyk dat gal who att wif me but still wanna flirt wif othr guys n doesnt even tell dem dat she's att 2 me. cb thrice ahhh!!!!!
aft jln raye, my famli singgah simei eastpoint. dorg nk mkn but i dowan. biasela, tadi jln raye none of da 2 hse serve proper food, only kuihs. den wanna eat at shopping mall wif baju kurung all. paisei sia! dh cam bdk2 pri sch jln raye den in d end dorg main arcade. hahaha! so i wen hme 1st while da rest go eat. k now i shall post pics dat were taken on last wed wen i was out wif my lovely cuzzins.
anw, aft dat ally had 2 go off so i decided 2 juz go hme. im too stressed out tinking abt evry single lies. i've been cheated for nearly 9 months. so i decided 2 join my usual guys(sufian, syahrul, razzak) instead coz i noe i needed tym 2 relax n clear my mind off dat matter. met dem at tamp mall pastamania. i came over 2 join rite wen they juz finished their lunch. bought sum stuffs at watson. syahrul's gf, hidayah(she is my sedare jauh) came 2 mit up wif him coz they planned 2 go out but in d end they juz slacked along wif us. so headed 2 mac n had a drink. we planned 4 our pulau ubin outing too wic is on tis coming thurs. yessa, i cant wait. finally gotta go on a real adventure wif my othr four-brothers-from-different mothers. hahaha...
as for 2day, i had a new haircut. i dunno wat style i shud go for so i told da guy 2 juz shave my hair clean. wait, not botak k. u noe michael scofield frm prison break? yeah sumtink lyk his but not so short la. haha... i still wanna apply wax. my hair wasnt dat long yet but im attending an open hse exactly in a wk tym so i tot mayb its best 4 me 2 go 4 an early cut so my hair will hav tym 2 grow. hopefully in a wk tym it wld hav grown quite smoothly n dat i wld look smart, neat n gd.
back frm haircut, got ready 2 go jln raye wif famli. only 2 hse uh. haha! 2day im quite lucky bcoz while in da bus, got alot of pretty gals go jln raye. but sadly my hair is still young n hasnt grown fully - its super short. dat means i dun hav any mohawk style or watever n my face look lyk small kids. lyk i was back in sec 1 wen pple used 2 kol me boy thailand. cb. haha! so one of da gal kinda look at me n den she turned away. how cld tis be happening! usually they wld look at me again sia. haishhhh.... reali man, i regret cutting my hair 2day. cannot attract gals liao. cb twice uh. eh i single wat so can flirt. not lyk dat gal who att wif me but still wanna flirt wif othr guys n doesnt even tell dem dat she's att 2 me. cb thrice ahhh!!!!!
aft jln raye, my famli singgah simei eastpoint. dorg nk mkn but i dowan. biasela, tadi jln raye none of da 2 hse serve proper food, only kuihs. den wanna eat at shopping mall wif baju kurung all. paisei sia! dh cam bdk2 pri sch jln raye den in d end dorg main arcade. hahaha! so i wen hme 1st while da rest go eat. k now i shall post pics dat were taken on last wed wen i was out wif my lovely cuzzins.

fadhil tk habes2 dgn his new earpiece wic he bought earlier dat day