da gal in d above pic has turned 14! hahaha... i've seen her grown in da past 12 months n oh, she reali has changed frm a lil 13 yrs old gal to a very tall 14 yrs old gal. i cld see her maturing as she gets older. mayb no one realised it but i do. she's a wonderful gal in my eyes. nel, u are da best orite. my fav gal no matter wat. no one cld ever replace u. no one can ever separate us. i hope we cld go on lyk tis till forever. if i were given only a wish 2 make, most definitely it wld be to love u n saying 'I Love You' wenever u nid it most. may u hav a great future ahead, saaaaaayaang Oreobaby! <3
tis music video has its own history btwn nelly n i. till now i cld still rmb da 1st few moments. it was during fasting month last yr. i was walking at da bazaar while listening 2 tis song. walking n walking wen suddenly a gal walked in my opposite direction. i took a quick glance n she was looking at me too. i turned 2 look again at her bcoz i was sure i knew her frm fs n msn afew months back. she smiled at me n i smiled back. frm there onwards, i felt as if there's a special connection btwn us n tis song reali has da same exact meaning.
so yeah, dat was our 1st tym meeting each othr. eventho it was juz a shortwhile lyk a few secs, it was still swit bcoz her smile is evrytink 2 me. till now im keeping tis song bcoz it wld remind me of her wenever i hear it. we are still going strong and dats why she's alwys da light in my darker days. (: