notink much 2day. mum, bof sis n i pegi kenduri cukor rambot. met wif fadhil n his mum at pasir ris. took mrt all da way 2 boonlay. my butt was aching as a result of sitting too long in da train. haha! kenduri was held at da void deck. i find it abit unusual bcoz normally they hav it in da hse. so ya, juz eat2 n relax2 wif sum of my cuzzins. da rest too busy 2 attend. wen hme at 7 plus. now waiting for soccer match 2 start. and heck it la, im still sick lyk hell. hafta go sch tmr bcoz i dowan my studies 2 get affected. dats all la, gdnite! iloveyou oreo... <3