arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nvm, im crazy. haha... 2day wen out wif famli. buy thngs uh. a lil bit of shopping wic 4 me, didnt buy myself anytink. bof sis bought new specs. org tngh uat specs, aku sebok try lain specs den take pic. org kedai pk aku nk curik. hahaha... so wic one of da specs above do u tink looks nice on me? (:
den off 2 tamp mall. bof sis bought new bag. same bag wof da same design only dat they chose diff colors. den off 2 geylang city plaza coz 3rd sis wanted 2 collect her sch uniform. aft dat my famli hungry but im not. so followed dem 2 haig road. while eating, mum suddenly changed plan n said tk jadi go vivo. padehal da day b4 dh cam yeye nk gi vivo tau. im so disappointed sey coz i wanna buy new shirts there. mayb jeans too at peninsula. but den tk jadi. dats y i said earlier, i didnt buy myself anytink at all. damn it...
so frm geylang, i took separate ways frm my famli coz i wanna go sumwhere n slacked. they wen back 2 tamp mall dunno do wat while i wen 2 bedok reservoir 2 slack since its da nearest place i cld tink of frm where i was.
oh oh oh! b4 dat, sumtink happened. while waiting 4 bus, got tis old malay man approached my famli. but i was standing quite far away frm my parents so dat man tot im not frm dat famli uh. so he asked my parents if he cld hav sum money 2 buy food. my parents ckp sory coz dorg tknk kasi uh. they tot tis man is fake. but as soon as i heard him ask 4 money, i took out 10 bucks n gav him. not dat im easily fooled by him but sumtink tells me dat i shud help him. i pity him too. he thanked me n uttered sum prayers. he said if i c him outside again, do tegur him. or if i nid help on anytink, juz look 4 him at haig road da food stall there. coz he can help me. he told me he's a bomoh. not using ilmu hitam or wat la but 2 help pple. so i juz nod n wen my bus came, i excused myself. till now, i cant get his face out frm my mind. watever it is, i hope he's safe now.
k back 2 my story. reached jln tenaga n slacked alone at da playgrnd there. aku mmg camni, kdg2 loves 2 b alone. haha... den called erah n tok otp wif her. tok punye tok, she tk tahu yg im near her hse. wen she found out, she's lyk so mad at me 4 not telling her earlier. not mad la but play2 only. haha... so she came down n we sat n tok2. took pics too. as usual, she poked me here n there. notty tau erah ni... hehe! soon her bro n maid came down 2 ask her go hme. so i oso go hme lor. so gd of her 2 walk me 2 da bus stop. tkpe, once a while ok pe. usually its me yg hantar her hme so now her turn plak hantar me hme. well, not reali hme la but at da bus stop is enuf. haha... erah, love me love u! (:
den off 2 tamp mall. bof sis bought new bag. same bag wof da same design only dat they chose diff colors. den off 2 geylang city plaza coz 3rd sis wanted 2 collect her sch uniform. aft dat my famli hungry but im not. so followed dem 2 haig road. while eating, mum suddenly changed plan n said tk jadi go vivo. padehal da day b4 dh cam yeye nk gi vivo tau. im so disappointed sey coz i wanna buy new shirts there. mayb jeans too at peninsula. but den tk jadi. dats y i said earlier, i didnt buy myself anytink at all. damn it...
so frm geylang, i took separate ways frm my famli coz i wanna go sumwhere n slacked. they wen back 2 tamp mall dunno do wat while i wen 2 bedok reservoir 2 slack since its da nearest place i cld tink of frm where i was.
oh oh oh! b4 dat, sumtink happened. while waiting 4 bus, got tis old malay man approached my famli. but i was standing quite far away frm my parents so dat man tot im not frm dat famli uh. so he asked my parents if he cld hav sum money 2 buy food. my parents ckp sory coz dorg tknk kasi uh. they tot tis man is fake. but as soon as i heard him ask 4 money, i took out 10 bucks n gav him. not dat im easily fooled by him but sumtink tells me dat i shud help him. i pity him too. he thanked me n uttered sum prayers. he said if i c him outside again, do tegur him. or if i nid help on anytink, juz look 4 him at haig road da food stall there. coz he can help me. he told me he's a bomoh. not using ilmu hitam or wat la but 2 help pple. so i juz nod n wen my bus came, i excused myself. till now, i cant get his face out frm my mind. watever it is, i hope he's safe now.
k back 2 my story. reached jln tenaga n slacked alone at da playgrnd there. aku mmg camni, kdg2 loves 2 b alone. haha... den called erah n tok otp wif her. tok punye tok, she tk tahu yg im near her hse. wen she found out, she's lyk so mad at me 4 not telling her earlier. not mad la but play2 only. haha... so she came down n we sat n tok2. took pics too. as usual, she poked me here n there. notty tau erah ni... hehe! soon her bro n maid came down 2 ask her go hme. so i oso go hme lor. so gd of her 2 walk me 2 da bus stop. tkpe, once a while ok pe. usually its me yg hantar her hme so now her turn plak hantar me hme. well, not reali hme la but at da bus stop is enuf. haha... erah, love me love u! (: