hello! 2day oso windy. hate it man... my hair distorted seyy! kk nvm, cant do anytink abt it. juz now had math test. im confident uh but aft da test, i asked my frens abt da paper n suddenly my ans is lyk diff frm dem lehh... walaowei... careless mistakes! i tink im gonna flung my tis test AGAIN. AGAIN eh. hahaha! sad man, i noe how 2 do but haish....
den during lunch we ate at IT School canteen. its d only aircon canteen in TP so ya. i ate rice wif lauk alot uh. very full man. den my idiot fren, zul, tok abt monkey brain. den me, isaac, nazi n arep was eating n we feel lyk vomit seyy. haha! coz got one tink in our food look lyk brain man. haha... geli seyy. so aft eating, while waiting 4 our lesson 2 start, we played cards. den wen back 2 lab.
during lab, my project cant even wrk. bagos la tu eh... tkpe uh, out of 15, i got 7. i juz failed. haha... nvm, coz my lab test all high marks so nonid wory. im gd at practicals but wen it cums 2 theories, my brain juz shuts down. den fuuuhhhlamak! dat gal yg arep suke was having her lab lesson juz bside ours. den frm da cermin, we can chiu at her. haha! bastard seyy kite. aft her lesson finish, arep chased her 2 get her number but kena rejected seyy. lek arep, still got othr gals wat. haha... den we bored coz dunno wat we supposed 2 do so juz took sum pics wif naz. thanks salman 4 taking da pics. (:
aft dat we had our last period wic is PSPS. we had our so called TP amazing race uh. me, zul, bryan, nazi n arep same grp. i took da whole video of our race but dun tink gonna post it here. very long man. haha... if u wanna c it, kindly ask me thru msn k? thanks. (:
juz now i wen hme took bus 23. it was damn crowded la seyy. while queing 2 board da bus, i noticed tis malay gal looking at me. she taking da bus oso. so i let her in 1st uh. ceyy, gentleman seyy aku. *kening naik2* haha! since its a double decker bus, she wen up. i oso wen up la kn coz 1st lvl damn full. den notink happened uh till at tamp int wen i was abt 2 alight. cam biase uh, wen alighting, pple all stand up n wait 2 get outta da bus rite. so wen i stood up, i turned uh but i didnt noe dat gal was beside me standing 2 go out oso. skali gue bertentang mata dgn dier uh! hehe... my 1st tot was WOW! her eyes power uh. haha! but den rite, erah's eyes much beautiful. bluek! den got off da bus n wen i walked away frm her, i noticed she was looking at me. i noe la its normal 4 gals 2 b attracted 2 me. ceyy, aku cam prasan je eh. hahahhaah.... obviously she lyk me seyy. tngk kat aku semacam den her eyes very flirty. hehe! but 1st tink 1st, i dun giv my number anyhow ok. if u wanna b frens wif me n nk my number, approach me n ask 4 it kindly. coz im not da type yg nmpk pompan lawa je tros nk number dorg. lagipun gue tkde masa nk uat camni smue. i oredi hav sum1 2 takecare of. (:
now i wanna eat. bye n takecare pple. plus sumtink's bothering me. haish... ):