as u can c frm da pics above, he's sair dat i tok abt in my previous post. cute rite? haha... i didnt get a chance 2 take a proper pics wif him so wen he's asleep i took it n baring nxt 2 him. (:
k now diff topic. juz now had my 1st training since my right knee injury. its kinda frustrating 4 me wen i tried playing at my best form but i juz cldnt get thru dat barrier. i can oredi run but da tink is im juz too afraid 2 get myself into tackles. i mean im scared 2 get my right knee into contact wif othrs coz i juz dowan it 2 damage it again while its still healing. as a result, i wasnt enjoying myself juz now. alex sory uh, my knee still havent recover fully rite n u saw dat urself. i dun care uh if u tink im not playing well but u gotta understand n gimme sumtym. if only my knee was ok, satu2 tadi gua dh tackle rabak2 sia... naseb korg seyy tu!
k now abt nabil, dat maniac. now im getting impatient wif him oredi. he melampau man! psl dier, erah nye hp kene confiscated by her parents. erah told me dat he binget oredi coz i tink he found out da truth abt me n erah den he lyk msg her say he dun care no matter wat he still loves erah n will wait 4 her. wahh, nabey... my darah up seyy. he tink wat, sukehati dier pe nk kcau erah. den her parents confiscate her hp since i tink they tot erah is flirting arnd wif othr guys n tk ckup satu. seriously man, erah is innocent. how i wish i was a superhero, a real Mexican Wonderboy... den i can fight against bad guys lyk nabil. im not seeking revenge but i believe in justice. i juz cant accept it wen pple threaten or disturb erah. very3 irritatink seyy. y muz they b so bad 2 c us having a hard tym? haish... nabil deserves sumtink frm me wic he can nvr n nvr will 4get! *slams table n kick chair*
k enuf of craps, gotta move da probs 2 one side 1st n start studying 4 my test tmr. its EMath n im kinda weak in it. anothr one is ComProg n i dun understand a single fcuking tink abt it. oh wait, not only me. nearly most of my class oso uh n sum of my frens taking tis subject. all complain dun geddit wat izzit all abt. plus its so boring. can die man evry wk study tis kind of stupid stuff. no life sia! i wonder how our teachers teaching tis subject can survive. they seriously no life oredi uh dats y spend alot of tym infront of da comp screen n type nonsensical stuff juz 2 create programs. Computer Programming sux!
imy my dear <3