hello my readers! 2day sch kinda fast. lesson supposed 2 start at 12 till 4pm. but naz, zul, arep, bryan n me decided 2 mit up at 10am 2 complete our PSPS project. ckp je kul 10 mit but den arep came at 11.30 seyy. i tink he got fever uh coz da day b4 ternampk mamps(inside joke). hahahaha... anw, our project is 2 make a short video abt conflict. we planned n came out wif sumtink. its abt smokers uh. eventho i dun smoke(da rest smoke), i act2 only uh. not real ok. haha... den got fight all uh. very da kekek man. got lotsa bloopers. haha! zul's gonna edit da video n i'll post it here asap k. so ya, we didnt go 4 our lecture wic is at 12pm due 2 making of tis video took a long tym. ish3... rabak eh kite. hehe! but we had 2 stop at 1pm since we got a lab test 2 do.
basketball btol seyy, da test lyk WTF man. tk phm seyy. haha... but nvm, as long as i got sum marks pun ok uh. heckcare wif dat subject. nearly most of my class tk phm so ya, dat explains y we shud repeat da same module nxt semester. hahaha! ok watever, its not funny. -___-"
den wen 2 canteen 2 buy burger b4 going 4 our last lesson at 3pm. aft sch finish at 4pm, i msg erah if she wanna mit up. its been a wk since i last saw her. miss her lots seyy. but den, she said she's still stuck in sch due 2 sum assignments i guess. she said sory coz cant mit up n told me 2 go hme je. k den, so wanted 2 go hme uh but my project lom habis. den my grp continued on da video again. fun seyy. kekek 2 da max! hahaha.... arnd 5.30pm gitu i made my way hme. damn it, im tired seyy. nk blaja pun cam malas. but lucky i completed abit of SSMat report. tmr gonna finish up wif my grp members.
gua stress siol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im waiting anxiously n evrynite i countdown 2wards dat day. i juz cant wait. as 4 now, its still 5 more days n im looking 4ward 2 it wif big, wide smile. hope its gonna b 4ever lyk tis, evry single month. may God bless us. i love u... <3