i dunno y all of a sudden i miss dem. haish... its been 2 yrs but my love 4 dem has nvr faded away. thru thick n thin, we've been 2gthr. kena scold 2gthr, winning competitions 2gthr n oso sabotaging each othr. it was damn memorable. sec 3, there were 29 of us. but 10 of dem were retained n sec 4 we were left wif 19 of us. i noe its a small class but our class spirit got stronger n sumhow we were all lyk brothers n sisters. i miss being scolded wif dem by our teachers. eventho we did so much trouble 4 our form teacher, Miss Premalatha, i realise dat it was fun. all 4 one, one 4 all. dats our class motto. now dat we r all in diff poly(sum same poly as me) n ITE, all i wanna say here is dat if u guys sumhow happens 2 read tis, i miss u all so damn much. gd luck n all da best in ur life. lyk wat miss prem used 2 tell use, dun ever giv up k frens. i hope we cld hav a gathering soon. till den, takecare ok. i love u all, class 4e5 of 2007 forever n awlys b deep in my heart... <3
so tis r da pple dat i miss:
1. Lim Jia Hui
2. Noor Ashila Bte Ahmad
3. Norpurwanti Bte Susanto
4. Nurul Kalyisah Bte Abdul Aziz
5. Ang Xuming Daniel
6. Jonathan Lee Jun Dee
7. Kamas Muhammad Aliff (Assistant Chairman)
8. Lim Guo Xian
9. Mohamed Fairuz Bin Hamid
10. Mohammad Ridauddin Bin M A
11. Muhammad Afiq Bin Idris
12. Muhammad Fikri Bin Abdul Jabar
13. Muhammad Hafidz Bin Azahar
14. Muhammad Hafiz Bin Yusof
15. Muhammad Othman Al-Siddiq Bin R (Chairman)
16. Ridhwan Bin Alwi
17. Syed Abdul Rahman Bin Syed A
18. Tan Wei Teck Daniel
19. Terence Ong Jun Jie
see, i can still rmb all their names according 2 register numbers tau. coz pagi im d one marking attendance during flag raising. dat shows how a gd assistant chairman i am. haha... padehal aku maseh ade class list. hehehe! (:
so tis r da pple dat i miss:
1. Lim Jia Hui
2. Noor Ashila Bte Ahmad
3. Norpurwanti Bte Susanto
4. Nurul Kalyisah Bte Abdul Aziz
5. Ang Xuming Daniel
6. Jonathan Lee Jun Dee
7. Kamas Muhammad Aliff (Assistant Chairman)
8. Lim Guo Xian
9. Mohamed Fairuz Bin Hamid
10. Mohammad Ridauddin Bin M A
11. Muhammad Afiq Bin Idris
12. Muhammad Fikri Bin Abdul Jabar
13. Muhammad Hafidz Bin Azahar
14. Muhammad Hafiz Bin Yusof
15. Muhammad Othman Al-Siddiq Bin R (Chairman)
16. Ridhwan Bin Alwi
17. Syed Abdul Rahman Bin Syed A
18. Tan Wei Teck Daniel
19. Terence Ong Jun Jie
see, i can still rmb all their names according 2 register numbers tau. coz pagi im d one marking attendance during flag raising. dat shows how a gd assistant chairman i am. haha... padehal aku maseh ade class list. hehehe! (: