1st of all, i found my specs! yay! hahaha... asked da cleaner n she said she saw my specs yest n kept it. so ya, she returned me juz now. thanks alot, lucky she kept it. kk anw, sch was normal. juz dat math quiz postponed 2 friday instead coz teacher 4got 2 bring down da quiz papers. =.=
so aft sch ends at 12pm, wen straight hme. i feel lonely sia, evry wed alwys lyk dat one. wanted 2 mit erah but den she mcam2 one uh, alwys got reason 4 not being able 2 mit. k nvm, i try my best 2 put myself in her situation uh but evrytym if lyk tis, i rather fcuk my head off or jump off a building n die sia. i've been reali patient siak n den pple step my head. haissshhhhhhh!!!!! its ok its orite. ):
how i wish nelly stays closer 2 me. dat way its easier 4 us 2 mit too. wenever i feel down, she's alwys there 4 me. sumtyms i feel i've got no hope but she is there 2 bring me hope. kk enuf stop toking abt tis. reached hme, did workouts. 3 sets(30 each) of push-ups. nxt is 3 sets(30 secs each) of abs arnd da stomache. finally carry dumbbells, 5 sets of 20 each. normally i dun reali sweat alot but juz now my whole body was covered wif 'salty water'. hahaha! aft much of d exercises, took a bath n wen 2 slp.
woke up at arnd 7. arnd 7.30 started revising my sch wrk. tmr got POD quiz. i felt as if my brain's being squashed out sia. i tried 2 do qns frm da POD book but heck, i dun seem 2 get anytink into my head. easier said, i dun understand tis subject. lyk no life sia study tis kind of tinks, only 4 stupid pple uh. oh well, in dat 2 hrs, i only managed to do 2 qns wic unfortunately my ans r oso wrong uh. sumtyms shit happens u noe. wonder how am i gonna pass my POD quiz tmr. *shakes head*
aft study, ate dinner. ate a lil bit only. its surprising dat since over da last few days i've been eating lesser den usual. normally my appetite is quite big but all of a sudden i tend 2 eat less. i've got no mood 2 eat uh. partly bcoz im stressed out over sch. almost evryday go hme at 6pm. reach hme wanna study oso tired oredi. den now exams r juz arnd da corner - 21st, 24th n 25th august to be exact. i noe i gotta rush n buck up on my weaker subjects but how do u expect me 2 study wen fatigue alwys gets in da way?? damn it, im so sick n tired of sch. seriously. all i wanna do is play soccer all day. cant i juz study soccer instead? idiotic morons.
i'll end my post here. i gotta feeling dat im gonna flung bof my ProgAuto lab test n POD quiz. lets juz c wat happens tmr. so gdnite n takecare. hope u all not so stress lyk me yeah. if yes, lets go 2 da beach n shout our hearts out till our lungs come out. hahaha! (: