lets tok abt yest. i hav no sch so tros mit wif sufian, razzak n syahrul at masjid. i dunno y but during da prayers, i felt so calm n relaxed. mayb bcoz i noe there's no more sch so meaning no more stress. only hafta study 4 exams. haha...
anw, aft masjid we headed 2 sch 2 study. i felt as if i still nidda go sch sia wif my bag n all. haha! but b4 we study, we had our lunch at IT sch. den we searched 4 a bench at Engineering sch n studied till lyk 6 plus. ofcoz b4 we study, we played 5 rounds of taiti. sufian distracted oredi. hahahaha...
so at 6 plus we stopped studying n began 2 tok abt our past sec sch life. kekek sia, mcam2 bende we tok abt. i cld still rmb wen i was in sec 2, a classmate of mine was interested in me but i rejected her. partly bcoz i was interested in another gal. haha! oh well, enuf toking abt dat coz if i were 2 share wif u guys here, it wld take me abt an hour 2 type!
so finally at 7 plus i made my way back 1st while da rest stayed 4 a lil longer sharing stories. haha! i wen 2 erah's hse. wanted 2 pass her bday present. i didnt tell her im coming coz if i were 2 tell her, confirm she say cannot mit n blablabla. furthermore i wan it 2 b a surprise 4 her. so reached her hse, i kol her 2 open her door.
but sadly, she wasnt at hme. she was at her grandma's place wif her famli. so she told me 2 put inside da meter door(dunno wat its actually called, d one outside da hse yg ade meter uh) n make sure nobody was looking. so i placed it inside, looked left n right, closed da door n walked away as if notink happened. seriously seyy, i felt as if imma suspicious looking person. later org pk imma robber den kene tangkap mati sia. hhahahaha!! oh wells, made my way hme aft dat.
anw, aft masjid we headed 2 sch 2 study. i felt as if i still nidda go sch sia wif my bag n all. haha! but b4 we study, we had our lunch at IT sch. den we searched 4 a bench at Engineering sch n studied till lyk 6 plus. ofcoz b4 we study, we played 5 rounds of taiti. sufian distracted oredi. hahahaha...
so at 6 plus we stopped studying n began 2 tok abt our past sec sch life. kekek sia, mcam2 bende we tok abt. i cld still rmb wen i was in sec 2, a classmate of mine was interested in me but i rejected her. partly bcoz i was interested in another gal. haha! oh well, enuf toking abt dat coz if i were 2 share wif u guys here, it wld take me abt an hour 2 type!
so finally at 7 plus i made my way back 1st while da rest stayed 4 a lil longer sharing stories. haha! i wen 2 erah's hse. wanted 2 pass her bday present. i didnt tell her im coming coz if i were 2 tell her, confirm she say cannot mit n blablabla. furthermore i wan it 2 b a surprise 4 her. so reached her hse, i kol her 2 open her door.
but sadly, she wasnt at hme. she was at her grandma's place wif her famli. so she told me 2 put inside da meter door(dunno wat its actually called, d one outside da hse yg ade meter uh) n make sure nobody was looking. so i placed it inside, looked left n right, closed da door n walked away as if notink happened. seriously seyy, i felt as if imma suspicious looking person. later org pk imma robber den kene tangkap mati sia. hhahahaha!! oh wells, made my way hme aft dat.